Agandaur | NPC Sheet | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Medium Daedra, Seeker of Sauron, Any

Armor Class 17 (Half Plate)
Hit Points 38
Speed: 30 ft


( +2 )


( +2 )


( +2 )


( -1 )


( +1 )


( +5 )

Damage Resistances Fire (Hellish Resistance)
Senses Devil's Sight (can see in both magical and nonmagical darkness to a distance of 120 feet)
Languages Common, Daedric, Orcish, Infernal, Elvish
Challenge Rating 4


Send by Sauron to secure the Lyrium source in Kal-Shirok

Agandaur is a 5th level Warlock using Charisma as spell casting Ability. His Spell Save DC = 16, his Spell Attack = 1d20+8 . Agandaur has 2 3rd level spell slots and knows the following spells:

Spell Level Spell Attack/Saving Throw, Range, Concentration Effect(s) Per Higher Level
0 (cast at will) Fire Blast Spell Attack, range = 120 ft., 2 targets 1d10 fire damage from a fire beam and target is pushed 10 feet in straight line -
1st Hellish Rebuke Range = 60 ft., Dex Save Fail =] 2d10 fire damage, suc =] 1/2 dmg +1d10
2nd Darkness AOE radius = 15 ft., Concentration upto 10 min Creates magical darkness, dispels light ]= 2nd lvl
3rd Summon Flame Atronach Range = 60 ft., Concentration up to 1 hour Summons a Flame Atronach

1/day: Branding Smite Next time you hit with a weapon attack before the spell ends, you deal 2d6 extra radiant damage, making targets visible if they were invisible. Requires concentration upto 1 minute. Bonus Action.   Searing Smite Next time you hit with a weapon attack before the spell ends, you deal 1d6 extra fire damage and ignites the target. At the start of each turns it must make a Con saving throw. On a failed save the target takes 1d6 fire damage. The target can be extinguished by an action.   Hexblade's Curse As a Bonus Action Agandaur can curse a target he can see within 30 feet of him, cursing the target for 1 minute. This gives him a +3 to damage rolls; makes him Crit on a 19 or 20 from the d20 and makes him heal upon killing a cursed target for 10 HP.

Flames of Phlegetos A '1' on a fire damage die can be rerolled once. In addition, when you cast a fire damage spell, you can cause flames to wreathe around you in an AOE of 5 feet. Creatures that hit Agandaur and stand within 5 feet receive 1d4 fire damage.  


Multiattack Agandaur makes two weapon attacks with his Tainted Morgul Blade   Tainted Morgul Blade Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+5 piercing damage and the target makes a Constitution Saving throw. On a fail, the target is afflicted with 'Morgul Curse' causing the target to receive 2d4 poison damage at the start of each of its turns. The curse can only be ended through magical means.

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