Necromancy:Varazyr | Generic, Table | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Necromancy is spirit magic. This is the Freeblades spell list for the Varazyr (Caster).

Power CostSpell NameEffectDuration
(3)BlightTarget gains a Decay or Disease Token, your choice.I
(3)Commune with the DeadIf you are in contact with a Death Token, you remove it from play and roll a CAR test 5. If passed, you gain a Destiny Stone. Story: You take a CAR test and may ask a corpse or intact skeleton a number of questions equal to the result -5. Questions more complex than yes/no count for two.I
(1)CurseTarget is -2dl MAR or RAR (your choice)C
(2)Deathly ChillTarget is -2dl to all Attribute tests.C
(1)Harmd8 damage ranged attack. Those hit by this attack pass a SPR test or are Dazed. Missile Spell.I
(1)SpiritsightTarget gains Witchsight and is immune to the effects of Gloom and DarknessC
(2)Soul SwordOne weapon held by the target of your choice becomes +1dl damage, Decay, Pin.C
(2)Soul ThiefWhenever the target causes a LP loss in a combat, the target gains a temporary LP.C
(3)Steal LifeA target within 9” passes a SPR test or it loses one LP. If it does, you gain a temporary LP.I

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Statblock Type

Generic, Table
