Disguise | Generic, Table | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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DisguiseYou may not be engaged, attacked or the target of a spell unless an enemy with LOS to you makes a KNW test 7. An enemy may only make one KNW test to reveal a Disguise per turn. This may be done as a special action as part of it's activation or by a Caster when it is its turn to cast or by an enemy about to make a ranged attack. Once this KNW test is passed or you declare an attack, are attacked, cast a spell, counterspell, become engaged, or conduct a special action, this talent no longer applies for the rest of the encounter. Enemies with Witchsight are +2dl to this test if you are a Demon. A successful KNW test only removes the Disguise talent with respect to enemies friendly to the enemy passing the test. All other ways in which Disguise is removed apply to all models. Disguise has no effect on NPCs in Freeblades.KNW d8M2

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Statblock Type

Generic, Table
