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Rava Keyoke

Rava is a Vanarian from forests in the high mountains which are relatively close to (Our island name) Island, home of the (whatever our council is called).   Rava is next in line to rule over his small Kingdom (name: .)  but before he was able to become king a large neighboring Clan (name: .) attacked them and so they could take the resources from the forests and mountains that Rava's kin own. Nature fought back alongside with the Vanarian to push back the attacking Clan's forces, however, the enemy's numbers overwhelming, slowly making their way deeper into the forests and higher into the mountains. Rava was sent by his father to seek re-enforcements, help, and refuge in other neighboring locations. Most of the other Clans wouldn't help as they feard the attacking Clan. Rava almost gives up on finding help, but then hears about the ( ) Island and it's newly formed council who also opposes Rava's enemy. As Rava catches a boat to the Island he asks for a meeting with the council. He eventually convinces them to aid his falling Kindom and offers unique materials, otherworldly possessions, treaties and trade routes. All is well and it seems that the upper hand may be gained but before Rava could set off to return back to his Kingdom to help fight a deadly storm swallows the Island, disabling all departers and exits. The council offers allows him to reside on the Island while the storm goes on. The storm goes for days and Rava's edge increases as longs to back and fight for his kingdom, but as he waits for the storm to die out he makes connections with important nobles and the few spirit folk who live on the Island...

Skill Proficiencies Intelligent Ranger
Tool Proficiencies Bows and arrows, short swords/big knives.
Languages Common Tongue, Vanara, Spirit Tongue
Equipment Longbow Kukri Wooden Arrows w Quivers Flint and Steel Padded Leather Backpack Bedroll Waterskin Trail Rations
Lifestyle True Neutral, Honest, Cheeky, Energetic and Inquisitive.


Track Point Blank Shot

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Statblock Type

