Summon Planar Energies | ADD 2E Psionics | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Summon Planar Energies

Summon Planar Energies
PSP (Initial)
PSP (Ongoing)
180 ft.​
Area of Effect
summon planar creature ​
Power Score
The psionicist taps a particularly potent source of energy; add one die of damage. ​
Critical (20)
The psionicist accidentally summons a planar creature native to the plane whose energy she was trying to tap. ​
​Some psionicists can use their minds to unlock the alien energies of other planes. A character with this ability can summon energy from the planes and use it to attack her enemies. Some planes are more useful than others for this purpose—the Para-elemental Planes and Quasi-elemental Planes are most useful for summoning harmful energy.​ Plane Attack Type Damage Modifier Fire Flame 2d8 0 Sun Heat Ray 1d12/1d12 –2 Magma Lava 3d8 –2 Radiance Incandescent 1d20/1d20 –4 Lightning Lightning 3d8 –4 Salt Dehydrating 4d4 –4 Ash Cold 5d4 –4 Positive Energy 3d12 –6 Negative Energy 3d12 –6 ​Flame attacks fill a 10-foot cube and cause 1d8 additional points of damage in the following round. Heat rays strike two times, inflicting 1d12 points of damage per hit. They can affect two targets. Magma affects one target, but inflicts 2d8 points of damage in the following round and 1d8 in the third round. Incandescent attacks strike twice in a round and can affect one or two targets. Lightning affects all creatures in a path 5 feet wide between the psionicist and the target. Dehydrating attacks affect all creatures in a 10 foot cube and affect victims as a ray of enfeeblement. Cold attacks affect all creatures in a cone 20 feet wide, with its point at the psionicist’s location. Energy attacks affect one target. Undead creatures must save versus spells or be destroyed by positive energy attacks, and negative energy attacks cause living creatures to save versus spells or lose a level. Regardless of the form of energy used, the victim may attempt a saving throw versus spells for half damage. This power is very taxing, and if a psionicist attempts to summon planar energies more than twice in a single day, she must save versus spells or fall unconscious for 1d6 turns. ​

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Statblock Type

ADD 2E Psionics
