Suppress Magic | ADD 2E Psionics | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Suppress Magic

Suppress Magic
PSP (Initial)
PSP (Ongoing)
Area of Effect
60 ft. radius​
8th Level
Power Score
The psionicist may choose to dispel any enchantment in the area as a wizard of the same level casting dispel magic. ​
Critical (20)
A random magical item on the psionicist’s person is permanently drained of all enchantments. ​
​Very powerful psionicists can draw upon their command of psychic energy to create a field that dampens magic of all types. Within the field, no spells function, weapons lose their enchantments, creatures with magical attacks or powers (such as a basilisk’s gaze) cannot use them, magically animated monsters (animated dead, golems, etc.) stop in their tracks, and magical items do not function. The field persists only as long as the psionicist maintains it. The base maintenance cost is 1 PSP per round, but each spell level or magical power usage within the field adds 1 PSP to the maintenance cost. For example, a wizard who throws a fireball at a psionicist who is suppressing magic forces the psionicist to pay an extra 3 PSPs for that round’s maintenance. Effects without a spell level should be equated to a similar spell. If there is no similar spell, the psionicists pays maintenance PSPs equal to 1 per Hit Die or level of the initiating creature. This effect will temporarily disrupt enchantments in effect, so a charmed person is temporarily freed, polymorphed creatures return to their original form, and so on. Things that were changed by magic but are no longer magical, such as a stone bench that was created by a stone shape, do not change in form. A person stoned by a medusa’s gaze remains that way. Once the psionicist ceases to maintain the power, all enchantments resume uninterrupted. ​

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ADD 2E Psionics
