Can't we talk about this? | Talent | Genesys | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Can't we talk about this?
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Your character can use this talent to make an opposed Charm or Deception versus Discipline check targeting a single non-nemesis adversary within medium range. If the check succeeds, the target cannot attack your character (or perform hostile actions against your character) until the end of their next turn. You may spend aa to increase the length of the effect by one additional turn, and spend t to extend the benefits to all of their identified allies within short range.

The effect ends immediately if your character or a known ally attacks the target. In addition, your GM may rule that some targets are immune to this ability. An automated sentry turret, for example, has no interest in resolving a conflict through talking, nor would someone consumed by rage and the desire for revenge against your character.

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