Mutated Plant Suit Tendrils (Gnarled Whip) | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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A Horifically Mutated Plant Suit

Mutated Plant Suit Tendrils (Gnarled Whip)


Very Rare


The Gnarled Whip is a Light, Finesse Whip. It posesses the Reach quality (this has already been accounted for in it's range).


Venomous Strike

When Succesfully Striking an Opponent: The Opponent must make a Con Save of 13 or Higher. On a Failure: The Foe becomes poisoned for 1D8 Turns. They recieve the weapon's secondary damage at the begining of each of their Turns, until the effect runs out.

Grabbing a Foe's Weapon

As an Action, you may make a Slight of Hand check (DC equal to the opponents DEX score) to make an attempt at binding an opponent's weapon. On a Success: You bind their Weapon and then pull it, disarming them.

Grapple Hook

Basic Grappling

The Reach of the Grapple Hook is 40 Meters in any direction. The Grapple Hook can attatch to set points in the enviroment or onto creatures. It can be used to Pull oneself towards a hook point, swing from a hook point, or slingshot past a hookpoint at ludicrous (and dangerous) speeds.
Use of the Grappling Hook is considered a Bonus Action.

Grappling the Enviroment

When attempting to grapple onto the enivroment without a set anchor, the wealder must make a PERCEPTION saving throw of 14 (18 if lightly obscured, 22 if heavily obscured). On a Success: they find an Anchor to hook onto and do so. When hooked onto an Anchor, they are presented with the already mentioned choices for movement.

Grappling Onto Foes

When Grappling onto a Foe, they must make a STR check (Equal to the Whip User's DEX Score + thier Proficiency Bonus) to resists being Grappled. On a Failure, the creature becomes restrained. The User of the Whip can chose to pull themselves towards the Foe that they've restrained. If they are Lighter than that Foe, they will be pulled towards them. If the Wealder is Heavier than the Restrained Foe, the Foe will instead be pulled towards the Whip Wealder.


Created by Cassady. This plant was grown from a Plant Suit seed imported from the Gnarled Wilds at the behest of Her Royal Majesty's Royal Gardening Corps, who wanted Cassady to try and create a trainable variant of the Plant Suit Species. She Failed. They let her keep the Failures though.

This Mutated Plant Suit grew only 3 Tendrils instead of the expected dozens, however these tendrils are capable of extending/stretching to distances unthought of in regular plant suits. It lives inside of an oblong, hollowed out wooden sword hilt without the gaurd. Each Tendril ends with a long Wooden Claw-like shape, which the Tendril uses to latch onto it's enviroment, other creatures and itself. These claws are not found in normal Plant Suits. The Claws also exude a weak Venom that is injected into whatever it grabs. This is also not present in normal Plant Suits.

Each tendril is Long and pale green. They are smooth and capable of stretching upwards of 40 meters. Thier standard length is 3 Meters. Each claw is roughly 20 Centimeters long.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 2D4+2 Slashing / 1D4+1 Poison Slashing 3.5 Meters

Cost: Unsellable
Weight: 3 Kg

Statblock Type

