Magic Mark | Laurels and Loot Spell Statblock | Laurels & Loot | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Magic Mark
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Arcane Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 10 minutes
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 60ft (18m)
Area of Effect: target creature

The caster causes a mark or brand to appear on the target creature - either somewhere upon the creature's skin (fur, feathers, shell, etc.) or upon clothing worn by the creature. The application of the mark is painless; the target may not even be aware of its appearance or continued presence.

The caster can choose the shape and color of the mark, as well as whether the mark is visible to all (including the target), or just to themself. If visible to all, the mark glows with a faint light - not enough to illumninate surroundings, but sufficient to allow the target to be seen even in total (but not magical) darkness. (Such a mark might permit ranged attacks by caster or others where otherwise not possible.)

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