Mana Steel Wild Magic | Random Table | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Mana Steel Wild Magic

Roll the Dice
1The magic implodes and all creatures within 10ft drop to 0 hitpoints and fall unconscious. 1d75
2The grenade casts Animate Objects on 1d10 random objects within the range that are not being worn or carried. For each object, roll a d20. On an even roll the object will take orders from and fight for you. On an odd roll the object cannot be tamed and will fight whatever creature is nearest.
3The grenade casts Sleep at 4th level centered on itself.
4The shadow of the nearest creature vanishes for 1 year.
5The grenade casts Banishment on a random creature within range.
6The nearest player charecter may ask the DM one question. The answer must be truthful but may be vague or misleading.
7The furthest creature within 30 ft. lets out a thunderous belch. All creatures in a 15 ft. radius of them must make a Constitution saving throw against their Constitution score or be deafened.
8The skin of all creatures within 10 ft. turns a vibrant color. A remove curse spell can end this effect. Roll a d6 for each creature. The number determines the color. 1- blue, 2- lime green, 3- hot pink, 4- yellow, 5- purple, 6- red.
9The grenade casts Hypnotic Pattern centered on itself.
10All creatures within 10ft turns into a potted plant for 1d4 hours. While in this form, they are incapacitated and are vulnerable to all damage. When they drop to 0 hit points, they revert back.
11All creatures within 10 ft forget how to read and write any languages they know for 1d4 days. If they are already illiterate, they suddenly find themselves able to read common for 1d4 days.
12The grenade casts Stoneskin on all creatures within 10 ft.
13The ears of a random creature within 30 ft. grow as large as dinner plates and giving advantage on Wisdom (perception - hearing) checks. Both effects fade after 1 hour.
14The grenade casts Web centered on itself.
15The grenade casts Invulnerability on all creatures within 10 ft.
16The grenade casts Confusion centered on itself.
17The grenade casts Fog Cloud centered on itself.
18The grenade bolsters the fortitude of a random creature within 30 ft. for a moment, making them feel invincible. They gain resistance to all damage for 2 turns.
19A fountain of 20d12 electrum coins erupts from the grenade.
20The grenade transports all creatures within 10ft to the Astral plane for 1d6 turns, at which time they return to the spaces they previously occupied or the nearest unoccupied spaces if occupied.
21The grenade casts Grease centered on itself.
22The biological sex of all creatures within 10 ft. is reversed and their physical features change to match.
23For the next minute, any flammable object that comes within 10 ft. of the grenade that isn't being worn or carried by a creature bursts into flame.
24The grenade casts both Tongues and Comprehend Languages all creatures within 10 ft. The duration of the spells is 2d8 hours.
25The grenade casts Fireball centered on itself.
26The grenade casts Darkness centered on itself.
27The grenade casts Fly on a random creature within 60 ft. of it.
28All creatures within 10 ft. are immune to being intoxicated by alcohol for the next 5d6 days.
29All creature's butts switch places with their faces. They switch every time either orifice expels any substance (not including breathing). This lasts for 2d20 days or until it is removed by a remove curse spell.
30A random creature within 30 ft. feels a refreshing energy well up within them, stitching their wounds shut. For the next minute they regain 5 hitpoints at the start of each of their turns.
31The grenade casts Magic Missile as a 5th level spell. The missiles target a creature within range at random.
32The grenade casts Slow centered on Itself. The 6 affected creatures are chosen randomly if there are more than 6 creatures in the affected area.
33The grenade casts Haste on all creatures within 10 ft.
34The grenade casts Polymorph on the nearest creature. If they fail the saving throw they turn into an animal for the duration. Roll 1d10, the roll determines the animal they become. 1- salmon, 2- cat, 3- frog, 4- rabbit, 5- dog, 6- raven, 7- mouse, 8- pig, 9- sheep, 10- bear.
35A creature is chosen at random. A goblin appears and insults them for 2d12 hours. He is intangible and can only be observed by that creature.
36A random creature within 60 ft. becomes poisoned for the next 1d4 hours.
37The grenade casts Call Lightning centered on itself.
38A cloud appears over the grenade with a 10 foot radius. The cloud snows for the next hour.
39The grenade casts Levitate on all creatures within 10 ft.
40All creatures within 10 ft. forget everything that happened in the last 1d10 minutes.
41The grenade casts Enlarge-Reduce on a random creature within range. Once the creature has been determined, roll a d20. On an odd, The grenade casts the spell as Enlarge and on an even The grenade casts it as Reduce.
42A random creature within 60 ft. gains the effects of a short rest.
43The grenade casts Earth Tremor at 4th level.
44Each creature within 30 ft. of the grenade becomes invisible for the next minute. The invisibility ends on a creature when it attacks or casts a spell.
45Each creature within 30 ft. of the grenade takes 1d10 necrotic damage. They all regain hitpoints equal to the average necrotic damage dealt.
46Each creature within 10 ft. can can teleport up to 20 ft. as a bonus action for the next minute.
47All creatures within 10 ft. have Flowers sprout from their ears and nose. They do not grow back once trimmed.
48A 10 ft. cube centered on the grenade is filled with Illusory butterflies and drifting flower petals for the next minute.
49The skin of all creatures within 30 ft. swells and inflates, giving them vulnerability to piercing damage for the next minute.
50Time stops for all creatures in a 10 ft. radius for 1d4 rounds.
51All creatures within 10 ft. are blinded for the next 3d4 hours. During that time they have blindsight out to 10ft.
52The nearest 2 creatures are frightened by each other for 2 turns.
53All creatures within 10 ft. are intoxicated (as if they drank far too much ale) for the next 1d4 hours. Any penalties or benefits imposed are at the DM's discretion.
54The grenade radiats luck, granting advantage on skill checks to all creatures within 10 ft. for 1 minute.
55For the next minute any creature within 30 ft. can't speak for the next minute. When they try, blue bubbles float out of their mouth.
56All creatures within 10 ft. suddenly feel your wounds stitch themselves back up. Each of them regains 2d10 hitpoints.
57A random creature within 30 ft. glows with bright light in a 30 ft. radius and dim light for another 30 ft. for the next minute. Any creature that ends its turn within 5 ft. of them is blinded until the end of its next turn.
58All creatures within 10 ft. gain disadvantage on perception checks and attack rolls on things within direct sunlight. Additionally, they gain darkvision out to 120ft. These effects last for the next 2d6 hours.
59Roll a d10. All creatures within 10 ft. have their height changes by a number of inches equal to the roll. If the roll is odd they shrink, if it is even they grow.
60The grenade summons 20d100 Tiny nonpoisons spiders.
61A random creature grows a long beard made of feathers that remains until they sneeze, at which point the feathers explode from their face.
62The furthest creature within 30 ft. grow roots and cannot move for 1d6 turns.
63A random creature within 30 ft. grow an extra limb. The limb dangles limply, occasionally mimicking the movement of other nearby limbs. The new limb sprouts from their shoulder in the case of an arm or his hip in the case of a leg but the DM decides which happens. The limb does not affect your equipment, provide additional attacks, or affect most in-game situations, but a DM might rule that the limb provides some circumstance penalties in social situations. This affliction can be removed with an axe, the Remove Curse spell, or other similar magic.
64All creatures within 10 ft. emit a noxious odor that gives them disadvantage on persuasion and stealth checks for 1 hour.
65All creatures within 30 ft. cannot lie for the next hour. If they attempt to tell a lie, their mouth seals itself shut and will not open until the hour is up.
66An eye appears on the forehead of the furthers creature within 30 ft. for the next hour. During that time they have advantage on any Wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sight.
67The illusory visage of death herself appears above the grenade. Every creature that can see her must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened by her until the end of their next turn.
68Roll a d10. The age of a random creature within 30 ft. changes by a number of years equal to the roll. If the roll is odd they get younger (minimum of 1 year old). If the roll is even they get older.
69Two random creature within 30 ft. falls madly in love with each other for the next 6 hours.
70Effects all creatures within 10 ft. All items and creatures shout their names when the effected first see them and randomly thereafter. Only they can hear this. This effect last for 3d12 days.
71All creatures within 10 ft. hiccup uncontrollably for the next hour. When casting a spell with a verbal component, they must succeed a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be interrupted by hiccups. If a failed save causes the spell not to trigger, they do not expend the spell slot.
72Roll 1d8. The grenade casts Beyblade at 4th level and flys off in a direction determined by the d8. 1- north, 2-northeast, 3- east, 4- southeast, 5- south, 6- southwest, 7- west, 8- northwest.
73A random creature within 30 ft. is transformed into a Tarrasque and belives they are destined to rule the world.
75Reroll twice, if you roll this again re-roll. This effect can't be forced by class abilities, feats, or any spell beyond wish.

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Random Table
