Killing Curse | Spell | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Killing Curse

5-level Necromancy

Casting Time: 1 Action
Range/Area: 60ft
Components: V,S,M
Materials: (something from the target creature (such as blood, hair, or scales) which the spell consumes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Attack/Save: Charisma
Damage/Effect: hp reduction, death
You curse a target to die. The targets current and maximum hit points are reduced by 3d10 + 10. If this causes a creatures to have zero hit points, the creature dies. For the duration of the spell, the target cannot regain hit points unless from a spell cast using a spell slot of higher level than the spell slot this curse was cast with, and any death saving throw they roll is automatically considered a 1. At the start of a creatures turn while they are under the effect of this spell, they make a Charisma saving throw. On failure, their current and maximum hit points is reduced by 1d10+10. On a successful save, the spell ends. A creature's maximum hit points are restored when it takes a long rest.
Available for: Occultist

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