Machine Born | Race/Species | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Machine Born

Machine Borns are either former humans corrupted by Maschinellgesteuert or humans born in Maschinellgesteuert. You have been nearly fully transformed into a machine, losing almost all mental aspects making you human.
ability score increase: You gain a +2 constitution and a +1 intelligence.
age: Your life has been slightly extended by the machines, you will live to around 120 years old.
alignment: You are normally neutral, going off logic, not opinions.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common and one other language of your choice.
race features:
Internal Clock: You always know what time it is.   Natural Knowledge: You naturally know how to create basic machines. You can use a bonus action to perform one of the following.   -You create a small bomb. Explodes when pressure placed on it, doing 1d6 fire damage.   -You create a weapon. You generate any simple weapon from your body, you do not need materials to do this.   -You create a small light. This light creates bright light in a 10ft radius and dim light in an additional 10ft range.
Lineage Options: There is a lineage version of this race if some is turned later in your story. If you use this, the player will gain the following traits.   Internal Clock: You always know what time it is.   Natural Knowledge: You naturally know how to create basic machines. You can use an action to perform one of the following.   -You create a small bomb. Explodes when pressure placed on it, doing 1d4 fire damage.   -You create a weapon. You generate any simple melee weapon from your body, you do not need materials to do this.   -You create a small light. This light creates bright light in a 10ft radius and dim light in an additional 5ft range.

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