Explosive Defense Unit | Starfinder Equipment | Starfinder | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Explosive Defense Unit

Armor Upgrade (Any)
Level :
Price :
Bulk :
Hands :
Capacity :
Usage :
System or Slots:
1 Slot
Dose :

Description :
These additional armor plates offer protection against explosions and shrapnel, granting you a +2 enhancement bonus to Reflex saves against weapons with the explode special property. As a full action, you can place a grenade inside a reinforced, eggshaped compartment in the armor upgrade. As a standard action, you can detonate the grenade. This explosion is centered on you, but the upgrade creates a temporary containment field that shields you from the explosion. In all other ways, the grenade functions normally.

Created by




Statblock Type

Starfinder Equipment
