Binda | Rune | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Binda (Binding, Healing Words, Repairing)

Arcanamm: Skilled Hands knit Seamlessly
Shaping Time: 1 round
Effect Occurs: Immediately after activation
Usable By: The runegraver or the possessor of the rune


The Binda rune is usually inscribed upon a small lot, stone, or binding object (lock, manicals, and chains are examples).
  • When placed on bindings holding an object, the object is immediately bound tightly by them. It will remain bound until the binding is broken (attempts to break the binding are made at disadvantage—the binding takes 40 points of damage to break). To release the bond a release word is thot of in the creation of the rune. If a creature’s bonds are strengthened by the Binda rune, those held by Binda are at disadvantage to attempt to break those bonds. It will take twice the amount of damage it would normally take to break the binding. The effect lasts until the binding is broken, or if someone speaks the release command on the binding, which immediately releases the creature.
  • When a Binda rune lot or stone is placed on an open wound or cut, a small amount of healing is delivered (1D4 +4). Its main effect is to knit wounds back together, stop blood loss, and stabilize a dying creature.
    At 6th level, If a creature has had an appendage severed, even its head, and the appendage is placed correctly against the wound within six rounds, the runegraver can use two Binda runes to reconnect the severed appendage. It is rejoined and is whole again. The creature regains 1D10 hit points. If it is a creature’s head that is reattached, or if the initial damage caused instant death, the creature must immediately make death saving throw. If the creature makes its death saving throw, it becomes conscious with 1D4 hit points.
  • If a mundane object, such as a knife blade, belt, wheel, shield, plate, etc., is cracked or broken, and the pieces are assembled, the Binda rune placed on the assembly of pieces will make the item whole again. The size of the item that can be repaired is based on the runegraver’s level. A runegraver can repair an item that occupies three cubic feet of space per level. The runegraver can repair one item per rune used.

Created by

Raven Gladstone.

Statblock Type

