Haphazard Pronunciation Guide - Dean Galen Panos | Generic, Text | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Haphazard Pronunciation Guide - Dean Galen Panos

Before I get started: Don't stress over getting any of these "right"! I try to offer pronunciation guides so nobody winds up tripping over their tongues, or horrifically mangling a name into a rude word. But "in the general neighborhood" is fantastic -- goodness knows I have a weird accent in some of my vocabulary.



Jarissa's pronunciation guide to proper nouns in Dean Panos's article:

Unless I note otherwise, any name that ends in "s" is going to be the soft s like in "grandiose", not the stronger sound of "hose". That seems to be a consistent guideline in the primary source cultures: Greek, Czech, Russian, and a couple of outside visitors.



In alphabetical order, with no extra notes:

  • Aarti: "AARR-tee"

  • Avra: "AV-ruh"

  • Bohdan: "BOH-dan"

  • Charis: "KEHR-riss"

  • Costas: "KOH-stuhss"

  • Daniil: "dah-NEEL"

  • Estalle: "eh-STALL"

  • Faina: "fah-EE-nah"

  • Galen: "GAE-lehn"

  • Gavriil: "gahv-VRYEE-YEEL"

  • Glykeria: "GLEE-keh-REE-uh"

  • Higgins: "HIHG-gihns"

  • Hornek: "HOAR-nik"

  • Ian: "EE-yan"

  • Ilari: "EE-lah-ree"

  • imicasschay: "ihm-mih-KAHZ-chay"

  • Ismini: "izz-MEE-knee"

  • Kallirroi: "kah-LEER-roh-wee"

  • Ksenia: "KSEH-knee-yuh"

  • Lada: "LAH-duh"

  • Matvey: "mut-VEE"

  • Lidmila: "LID-mill-lah"

  • Panos: "PAN-nohss"

  • Pelagia: "puh-LAH-JEE-yuh"

  • Procopia: "pro-KOH-pee-yah"

  • Quinn: "KWIN"

  • Reena: "REE-nuh"

  • Sheffield: "SHEHF-feeld"

  • Sveta: "SVEH-tah"

  • Tapani: "tuh-PAH-knee" or "TAH-pah-nee"

  • Theria: "THEER-ree-ya"

  • Thina: "TEE-na"

  • Vasilis: "vah-SEE-lease"

  • Vorkontos: "vohr-KAHN-tohss"

  • Vorkosigan: "vohr-KOH-sih-gn"

  • Vorreena: "vohr-REE-nuh"

  • Yvona: "ee-VAHN-nuh"


Notes on full names

The man himself:

Galen Vasilis Panos Vorreena

Said at normal conversation speed, it typically sounds like "GAY-lehn vuh-SEE-lease PAN-nohss vohr-REE-nuh", with the most emphasis on that last "REE" part.

He lives at "REE-nuh" (Reena) University, in a city named "AARR-tee" (Aarti) that is the capital of "REE-nuh" (Reena) Province, which is a political district within a place called either "the Tapani Sector" or "the Tapani Imperium". We pronounce that like the baseball player: "tuh-PAH-knee".

(In the original Finnish, the stress goes on the first syllable: "TAH-pah-nee". As far as we're concerned, either one is fine.)

When he is at the national capital, it is in a city named "eh-STALL" (Estalle) Island on the planet "pro-KOH-pee-yah" (Procopia).

This character's family members:

Article text mentions some who are Deceased:


  • distant ancestor: Ian Vasilis Panos

    "EE-yan vah-SEE-lease PAN-nohss"

  • distant noble ancestor: Countess Thina Pelagia Vorreena

    "TEE-na puh-LAH-JEE-yah vohr-REE-nuh", with equal strong emphasis on both middle syllables in "Pelagia".

  • grandfather: Dean Galen Daniil Panos Vorreena

    "GAY-lehn dah-NEEL PAN-nohss vohr-REE-nuh", with the most emphasis on that last "REE" part

  • mother: Baroness Professora Ismini Glykeria Panos Reena

    "izz-MEE-knee GLEE-keh-REE-uh PAN-nohss REE-nuh", with strong emphasis on the two "REE" syllables and medium emphasis on the other capitalized syllables.

  • father: Lord Professor Gavriil Bohdan Vorkontos

    "gahv-VRYEE-YEEL BOH-dan vohr-KAHN-tohss". The emphasis gets to medium "stressed syllable" level on the second syllable, which sounds like someone started to say "vroom" and abruptly changed to yelling "YEET!"; drop the "t" off Yeet and add an even stronger "YEEL" as if this name is written with two y's in it. Keep the strength on "BOH" as if yelling at Emmanuel Todd Lopez, then go back to normal name stresses for the rest of the thing.
    I am fairly certain that Professor Vorkontos and Dean Panos did not have a peaceful domestic life.

  • cousin: Lord Professor Costas Kallirroi Vorreena

    "KOH-stuhss kah-LEER-roh-wee vohr-REE-nuh". The first "s" in Costas almost does not get pronounced at all. The three stressed syllables all rate about the same emphasis.

Article text mentions some who are Alive (as far as we know):


  • sister: Archives Mother Charis Theria Panos Vorreena

    "KEHR-riss THEER-ree-ya PAN-nohss vohr-REE-nuh". It's a soft "th" sound in her middle name, not like "there" but more like "theory".

  • sister: Lidmila Avra Panos Vorreena

    "LID-mill-lah AV-ruh PAN-nohss vohr-REE-nuh" is probably not using any of those names any more, so pronounce it however you like!

  • sister: Baroness Dean Ksenia Sveta Panos Vorreena

    "KSEH-knee-yuh SVEH-tah PAN-nohss vohr-REE-nuh" was the first family member I designed to prefer her political title over her career title, so her name is easy for me to quickly say as "Baroness Ksenia Sveta" but I trip a little when I try to hurry through "Dean Ksenia Sveta" for some reason.

  • sister-in-law: Countess Dean Faina Lada Vorreena

    "fah-EE-nah LAH-duh vohr-REE-nuh". More emphasis is put on the first and third stressed syllables than on the middle "LAH" part.

  • nephew: Lord Matvey Ilari Panos Vorreena

    "mut-VEE EE-lah-ree PAN-nohss vohr-REE-nuh"

This character's colleagues:


  • Dean Yvona Hornek,

    "ee-VAHN-nuh HOAR-nik"

  • High Lord Count Aral Vorkosigan

    "AA-rl vohr-KOH-sih-gn" is the creation of Lois McMaster Bujold, not us! This may be the only pronunciation that it's important to get close to "correct" in this entire article.

  • Baron Quinn Sheffield

    "KWIN SHEHF-feeld" does not fit the naming theme so far. Maybe Quinn is not a relative? The law does not absolutely mandate that the High Lord's Heir absolutely has to be a direct relation.


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