Plague-Bearer: Noxious Aura | Element 133 Class Feature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Plague-Bearer: Noxious Aura - 5600 AXP

TIER TWO FEATURE: Plague-Bearer: Noxious Aura

You have learned how to release the plagues inside you creating poisonous clouds which cling around you. This cloud affects an area within a 5ft radius. The radius increases to 10ft at 4th, 20ft at 6th, and 30ft at 8th tier. Any creature within its area of effect takes Tier + 2 in poison damage at the start of its turn. You have also discovered a reagent which causes your cloud to not affect your party! Whether they know you have injected them with the required reactant or not is up to you. By 6th tier, you may also infect any creatures within the cloud with a random disease you carry at the start of its turn should it fail a Constitution saving throw against your Medic save DC.


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Element 133 Class Feature
