Auto-Doc: Dual Appendage | Element 133 Class Feature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Auto-Doc: Dual Appendage - 11200 AXP

TIER FOUR FEATURE: Auto-Doc: Dual Appendage

You craft a second AID Appendage. This allows you to perform even more healing each turn. You may take an Extra Action each turn, this cannot be used to take the Attack Action. In addition you gain the following abilities;

  • You may use the AID Appendages to lift or interact with an object no greater than 100 lbs as a bonus action.
  • You may use a med kit, surgeon's kit, or medicine from the Natural Medicines feature as a free action once per turn.
  • If you are reduced to 0 Hit Points, the AID Appendage will use a med kit or surgeon's kit to revive you on your next turn. If you do not have a med kit or surgeon's kit in your inventory the AID Appendage will attempt to stabilize you for one turn after you become unconcious using a 12 (+1) Wisdom score. If you are not stabilized you must make death saves as usual.
  • You may use the Quick Patch feature as a free action four times per turn and your reach is increased to 10ft for that feature.
  • When using the Auto-Doc: Support Beam and Auto-Doc: Toxin Beam features you may fire two beams for each attack action.


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Element 133 Class Feature
