Field Doctor: Skilled Patchwork | Element 133 Class Feature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Field Doctor: Skilled Patchwork - 5600 AXP

TIER TWO FEATURE: Field Doctor: Skilled Patchwork

You have to work quick to save the dying from imminent death, and you need to be able to do a variety of things to save them. You can make Wisdom (Medicine) checks as a bonus action. When you use this skill this way, you can choose from one of the following effects with a roll that passes the corresponding DC, in addition to the effects normally allowed by this check, like stabilizing a dying creature:

  • DC 12: The target regains 1 hit point.
  • DC 15: You end a poisoned, blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or stunned condition or disease affecting the target.
  • DC 20: The target either regains 2d4 hit points or stops being petrified, or removes a level of exhaustion.
  • DC 23: You may temporarily patch a Minor Injury, causing the character to take no penalties for one hour. The DM may decide a body is too damaged to be healed or repaired in this way.
  • DC 26: You may change a Major Injury to a Minor Injury, or completely heal a Minor Injury. This may only be used on your turn immediately following the targets injury roll. The DM may decide a body is too damaged to be healed or repaired in this way.


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Element 133 Class Feature
