Eternal Sage


Jeff Vance | Member Since 21 Feb, 2020
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I am an Australian American digital consultancy executive, game master, and parent.   I use World Anvil to build a role playing setting designed to help myself and my players explore a diverse set of themes in order to make sense of a complex, changing and sometimes perplexing world.

Interests & Hobbies

A variety of US sports, traveling, and good food.

Favorite TV Series

A wide variety of Japanese Anime. Avatar The Last Airbender. Buffy and Firefly. B5 & BSG. The Expanse. The entire Star Wars, Star Trek and Stargate universes.

Favorite Writers

Raymond E. Feist, Roger Zelazny, Anne McCaffrey (Pern, Crystal Singer) , Steven Brust (Jhereg), Jim Butcher (Alera), Brent Weeks (The Night Angel, The Lightbringer), Kristin Cashore (Graceling Realm), Evan Innes (America 2040).

Favorite Games

M.U.L.E., Offworld Trading Colony, Starcraft, Starcraft II, Diablo 3.