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Wave | Member Since 13 Mar, 2021
1 Followers 3987 Page views 0 Likes

Interests & Hobbies

I play the accordion, guitar, and own a piano. I am also a beekeeper, and a somewhat avid gardener. I'm a somewhat passionate IT student, and I believe that my favorite genres are by far science fiction and fantasy. I've played a handful of tabletops like Dungeons and Dragons.
I'm also an author (Which is why I'm even here), although I remain completely unpublished (You can't sell half-written drafts, can you?).
The last thing I want to really learn how to do is illustrate and paint, both traditionally and digitally. After that I will be unstoppable! >:D

Favorite Books

It's hard to narrow down a favorite book specifically, however I do find the Wings of Fire series to be particularly fun, and Dune was a blast. Really anything science fiction or fantasy I find myself drawn to.

Favorite Writers

The only real name that sticks out in my head when it comes to authors is Tui T. Sutherland, however I did grow up as an Erin Hunter fan (Warriors kid). Other than that, it's simply through book titles.

Favorite Games

I adore a fair number of games for both gameplay as well as story. Titanfall 2, Undertale, Starsector, Rainbow Six: Siege, Minecraft, Terraria, and numerous others come to mind. Most of my joy in playing video games comes from those with rich stories, or even just lore tidbits sprinkled here and there.