The writer and alias name for the majority of business and creative projects is Riley Aarris. Most online username is TrinaryLs The company/business name is Castri And my birth name is Cory Hine. Besides in a way or sense of my own ideas, I have been also inspired by The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Mass Effect (the video game) Mythology of ancient human history, and even a few what is being called insights from YouTube content makers of spirituality and conscious teachers with some great relatable information. (some new, some old).
Creating my own world/s, learning esoteric things on YouTube, Viewing Twitch Streamers, taking breaks in nature. Making and Listening to music/podcasts.
Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Avatar...
Captain Planet, She-Ra, Carmen San Diego
Harry Potter, The Divine Design, Feel Alive
Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien
Age of Empires, Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto