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Tad Jeffers | Member Since 7 Apr, 2023
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Small Business Owners: Upgrade Your Payment System with a Free Credit Card Terminal from Shaw Merchant Group Introduction   As a small business owner, staying on top of technology and providing convenient payment options to customers is crucial. With more and more consumers turning to cashless payments, having a reliable credit card terminal is essential. However, purchasing and maintaining a credit card terminal can be costly. This is where Shaw Merchant Group comes in. They offer a free credit card terminal to small business owners who sign up for their payment processing services.   Benefits of upgrading your payment system   Upgrading your payment system to a credit card terminal provided by Shaw Merchant Group comes with several benefits.   Convenience for Customers   By accepting credit and debit card payments, you offer customers a more convenient payment option. With a credit card terminal, customers can quickly and easily pay for their purchases without having to worry about carrying cash. This convenience can help attract new customers and encourage repeat business.   Increased Sales   Credit card terminals provide a safe and secure way to process payments, reducing the risk of fraud and chargebacks. By accepting credit and debit cards, you can also increase sales by allowing customers to make larger purchases.   Streamlined Accounting   With a credit card terminal, all transactions are recorded electronically, making it easier to keep track of sales and expenses. This can save you time and money by simplifying your accounting process.   Shaw Merchant Group's free credit card terminal offer   Shaw Merchant Group's offer of a free credit card terminal is a game-changer for small business owners.   No Upfront Cost   Unlike purchasing a credit card terminal, there is no upfront cost when you sign up for Shaw Merchant Group's payment processing services. This means you can start accepting credit and debit card payments without having to make a significant investment.   No Hidden Fees   In addition to the free credit card terminal, Shaw Merchant Group offers transparent pricing with no hidden fees. You'll know exactly what you're paying for each transaction, making it easier to budget and manage expenses.   Fast and Easy Setup   Shaw Merchant Group's credit card terminals are easy to set up and use. Once you sign up for their payment processing services, you'll receive your free terminal in the mail. Their support team is available to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.  

  Conclusion   Small business owners need to keep up with the latest technology and offer customers convenient payment options. With Shaw Merchant Group's free credit card terminal offer, you can upgrade your payment system without breaking the bank. Accepting credit and debit card payments can increase sales, streamline accounting, and provide a more convenient payment option for customers. Sign up for Shaw Merchant Group's payment processing services and receive a free credit card terminal today.