Exalted Councilor of the Inner Sanctum


Emily | Member Since 24 Jul, 2018
1 Followers 39678 Page views 17 Likes

Hey hey. I don't think I'm very interesting, so I'm not going to put too much here. I love fantasy of various flavours, and escape into my imagination because I have trouble dealing with reality. Think of me as your dull big sister.

Interests & Hobbies

Guinea pigs, ball-jointed dolls, grindy mobile games.

Favorite Movies

The Room.

Favorite Writers

Jacqueline Carey, Dante Alighieri, Jim Butcher, CLAMP, Kentaro Miura, JRR Tolkien

Favorite Games

Castlevania, Dark Cloud, Drakengard 1 & 2, Nier, Sword of Etheria, Toukiden, Zelda.