

Roxanlita | Member Since 2 Jul, 2021
7 Followers 9653 Page views 68 Likes
Summer Camp Week Three Round Up!
Generic article | Jul 21, 2024
SC 24 week one Writing Round Up.
Generic article | Jul 13, 2024
SC Week 2 Articles!
Generic article | Jul 13, 2024

Currently all of my writing on World Anvil revolves around the world I created for the D&D campaign I run for my friends and family.
  One of many creative outlets I use to help me relax and decompress from a very fast paced career and a large family.

  I also crochet, and bake, and cross stitch like a little old lady. I also have a novel I am working on. Sometimes my WA world and my other art inspire each other unintentionally.

Interests & Hobbies

Crochet, jewelry making, crossstitch, resin art, paiting, writing, singing, playing violin......

Favorite Movies

Princess Bride, Never Ending Story, Ferngully, Rent, etc etc

Favorite Books

Anita Blake Series, Dragon lance Series, Sailor Moon, Blue Like Jazz...etc etc

Favorite Writers

Laurell K Hamilton, Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman etc MYSELF!

Favorite Games

Warhammer, Dungeons and dragons, Magic the gathering, Final fantasy, Aeons Legacy, Fire Emblem etc etc