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Lord Nova OF CLAN TREMERE | Member Since 25 Sep, 2022
2 Followers 1493 Page views 0 Likes

I was inspired by my Hyperactive brain.   I am usually the most weirdest and most morbid person that People say that they've ever met, but it's just for show... cause I'm lonely. I just want people to like me. I am mood-shifting thing, but mostly I'm tired.. But when I find something I like, I hyper focus on it, like a magpie and a shiny object.  I have many ideas.

Interests & Hobbies

Analog Horror. Oh, and Vaporwave music. Dungeons and Dragons inspired me.

Favorite Movies

I can't decide, If I had to; Back to the Future. Doc Brown is a dork and I love him for it.

Favorite TV Series

If RatBoy Genius counts, then yes. Hunter: The Parenting, too.

Favorite Books

Currently reading Fuzz, which is book about crime & animals. I read the Science Comics series too.

Favorite Writers

This too?

Favorite Games

Pokemon, Monster Hunter, thinking about getting Cult of The Lamb. Graveyard Keeper too. Two Point Campus counts. Pizza Tower & Wario Ware is current.