Exalted Councilor of the Inner Sanctum


Harry Reahl | Member Since 10 Jun, 2018
1 Followers 12957 Page views 1 Likes

Ahhh, this is where this goes!   I've been role-playing and occasionally DM'ing for nearly 40 years. Most of that time has been in other peoples worlds, or my small part of their worlds. World Anvil has come along at just the right time: crafting a new world for a campaign using D&D 5e.   Many thanks to Guy Sclander (How to be a Great Game Master & Bacon RPG) for introducing WorldAnvil on his videos, and his new video series; as always, he is The Roleplaying Font of Fair Fortune!

Interests & Hobbies

Aikido, Judo, Woodworking, Medicine, Ethics, Cooking, Architecture, Technology, not in any particular order.

Favorite Movies

Darkest Hour, Dunkirk, Incredibles, I, II. LOTR I,II, III. Star Wars series (yes, even the prequels).

Favorite TV Series

Star Trek, BSG, Twin Peaks (Classic, still getting through the new one). Dr. Who. Dark Shadows, Lost in Space (Classic, liked the Netflix version).

Favorite Books

Uplift Series, Dune Series (Classic and New), LOTR, Hobbit, Sillmarillion, Harry Potter Series.

Favorite Writers

Brin, Tolkien, Herbert, Herbert JR,

Favorite Games