My name is Gerrit Dodd and I write both Mir and other unrelated fiction, typically horror and fantasy. I work by day in retail management and spend my free time outdoors skateboarding, creating art, writing and playing video games. I also spend time as a volunteer Shop Manage in a local, DIY art space named Alias14w located in Huntington, Wes Virginia, USA.
Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Pirates of the Caribbean & a lot more.
Stranger Things, Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events, Trailer Park Boys, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Office, Parks and Rec.
The Southern Reach Trilogy, The Hobbit, Star Wars: Path of Destruction, Tarkin
HP Lovecraft, JRR Tolkien, James Luceno & more.
FPS, RTS, Strategy, RPG's, I like it all.