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Boris IvanĨev | Member Since 6 Jul, 2018
0 Followers 291 Page views 0 Likes

Illustrator, animator, cartoonist. I DM a live game for my friends in my homebrew setting, Black Mountain.   I also draw a lot and make stuff, so if you're interested check out my other sites ;)

Interests & Hobbies

Drawing and animation are my biggest passions, closely followed by music. Listening to music is second nature and I play the drums. DMing is of course, a passion of mine and with it the creation of worlds and stories for my players to experience. I love making maps too.

Favorite Movies

LOTR trilogy Bunch of Disney movies Prince of Egypt Porco Rosso

Favorite TV Series

Not big on TV shows and such. But a few come up. Parasyte the Maxim - an anime that I randomly found and loved beginning to end. Amazing World of Gumball - I haven't followed it religiously or anything, but the style and humor have affected my own, definitely. Adventure Time - same as Gumball.

Favorite Books

Metro 2033 - the only book I ever asked for. My lovely parents then gave it to me for Christmas. Other than that, I don't read much, a thing I'd like to work at to change.

Favorite Games

Dragon Age Origins, Metro 2033