
B.A. Boose

B. A. Boose | Member Since 7 Aug, 2019
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Hello everyone, I've been writing since I was eleven years old. When I discovered 'The Lord of the Rings', I couldn't believe people wrote stories with such grandeur, epic battles, and most of all made up worlds! I knew that storytelling was something I wanted to do. I am passionate to share the worlds that I have created and fallen in love with. Will you join me in exploring these lands?
If you have any questions, comments or you just want to chat you can contact me at [email protected]
I have recieved five Honorable Mentions and a Silver Honorable Mention from Writers of the Future, and I have a short story published in the 2023 Whatcom Writes anthology, Whatcom Reads.

Favorite Books

The Stormlight Archives, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, John Carter of Mars series, The Wheel of Time, Tail Chaser's song

Favorite Writers

Brandon Sanderson, J.R.R. Tolkien, Michael J. Sullivan