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Catt | Member Since 8 May, 2020
1 Followers 763 Page views 0 Likes

Interests & Hobbies

I doodle a lot... also enjoy reading, gaming, hiking, exploring, and learning new things. Will bore anyone willing to listen on History in general (esp Ancient History) or Star Wars EU Lore of questionable canonicity (though the rate they're bringing stuff back I may actually have useful information again) or Dragon Age Lore.

Favorite Movies

In No Particular Order -
Star Wars (esp the OG Trilogy), LotR, The Prestige, A Knights Tale, Young Frankenstein, Space Balls, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, Moulin Rouge, Phantom of the Opera, Repo the Genetic Opera, V for Vendetta, Dracula Dead & Loving It, Aeon Flux

Favorite TV Series

Supernatural, Babylon 5 (the first 4 seasons), Farscape, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, House MD, Stranger Things, Lucifer

Favorite Books

I have to pick? UMM...
The Dune Series (the first 6 books esp), The Timothy Zahn Star Wars novels, The Martian Chronicles, The Mistborn Trilogy, Einsteins Dreams, The Hunger Games Series (surprisingly), The Sandman Series, American Gods, Good Omens, The Witcher Series

Favorite Writers

Timothy Zahn, Frank Herbert, Neil Gaiman, Brandon Sanderson

Favorite Games

Board Games - Clue, Dark Souls, Fluxx (many different versions/packs), Mysterium, Pandemic (Regular & Cthulu), Settlers of Catan (Many different Versions), Risk (esp LoTR), Munchkin
Card Games - MTG, Rummy (Italian Style), Pitch
Console - Soul Caliber, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Mario Party (the OG on the N64)
PC - Dragon Age Series, Mass Effect 1-3, WoW & Warcraft 3, StarCraft Series, AoE 1 & 2, AoM, Civilization 5 & 6, The Witcher 2 & 3, Stardew Valley
Tabletop - D&D (Editions 3.5, 4, & 5)