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A.J. Torres

A.J. Torres | Member Since 29 Aug, 2018
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My name is A.J. Torres. I'm a writer first and an anime artist on the side. I enjoy Fantasy and Science Fiction stories. I particularly love to write and become immersed in Fantasy books such as Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. I love Fantasy stories, I have ever since I was a kid, and picked up Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter for the first time. Magic, dragons, and sword fighting have always been a wonder to me. Fantastical worlds that can only exist in imagination are something I've always loved and wanted to create. Although some follow the glamorous life of a wizard or a Prince saving a damsel in distress, I prefer to focus on the hardships a warrior must struggle with when fighting in a war and the consequences their actions may have on those they love. As wonderful as Fantasy stories can be, there should still be a sense of reality to keep the characters grounded even when facing hardships such as battling dragons or an opposing Kingdom.

Interests & Hobbies

I love to draw as a hobby, which involves creating my own characters and races, and drawing a map of my soon to be worlds.

Favorite Movies

I have a lot of interest from Lord of the Rings to Wonder Woman. Private Ryan is another favorite along with some Marvel movies, hey there is a lot to name lol.

Favorite TV Series

This actually won't be as big as movies but I love Game of Thrones, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Frasier, Claymore, How I Met Your Mother, Sailor Moon Crystal, Stranger Things . . . Wait I lied I do have a lot of favorites lol.

Favorite Books

Now I'm not an avid reader so there is a lot of books I want to read but haven't yet. The obvious is Lord of the Rings series, the Inheritance Cycle, The Harry Potter series, The 7th River series, the Nevernight series, and I'm working on getting more.

Favorite Writers

This will also be fairly small as well, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, Christopher Paolini, Christie Golden, Jay Kristoff, Megan Tennant, and I think that's it for now.

Favorite Games

Easy, the Final Fantasy games, the Kingdom Hearts games, Bloodborne, the Uncharted Games, Witcher 3, the Persona games . . . you know before this list gets long I will stop here too lol.