Night Light

Night lights are a small dragon species found worldwide on Dracosei. They are most famous for their bioluminescence, as each dragon glows a different colour inherited from both parents. Night lights are a popular domesticated dragon species, as their docile nature and simple feeding habits make them an ideal pet.


Night lights have a distinctly dark colouration, with dark blue scales across their entire bodies. There are a variety of different night light morphs, many of which include different eye colours, scale patterns, scale shapes, and tweaks of scale colours that range from dark greens to light purples, but generally blue.

Night lights have a small head with a semi-long snout, with small scale ridges running along from the nostrils to the back of the head, approaching a pair of short horns. Their arms and legs are short, and in winters short fur will grow on their feet, to keep them warm. Their wings are an average size compared to their body, and display the more valuable patterns.

Their tails are long, ending with three small spikes. These spikes can cause significant damaged to furnished houses, so many pet night lights will have said spikes removed, which is considered controversial in some areas in modern times.

Habitat & Location

Night lights are an easily adaptable species, and can be found almost worldwide. They are most common in the Southern Archipelago, where they can be found on roughly 3/4 of all the islands. They are a nomadic species within their packs, and will fly to the next island once they have explored the entire island they currently reside on. Night lights have been found at most in their millions on a single island, as some packs often merge for a few years, and in this case a large amount of packs had merged and formed a superpack.

Night lights prefer a cool climate, roughly 15℃, but will tolerate any temperature as low as -10℃ if they can find a warm place to rest, or temperatures as high as 80℃. Their ability to survive without water for long periods of time make them excellent survivors in dry areas such as deserts, where they feed on moist plants and beetles.


Night lights are an omnivorous species. Their diet mostly consists of large insects such as redlights, small birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, practically anything that can fit in their mouths. In captivity night lights can be fed on similar diets, but many choose to feed their pets specialised night light feed, which contains all the nutrients required for a healthy diet.

There are many debates over the ideal diet for a night light, especially dragon feed, as some people believe live feeding is best. It is said that live feeding is great enrichment, as it allows the dragons to exhibit natural behaviours that dragon feed cannot. Simply placing food in a bowl is not advised, as the dragon is not being mentally stimulated. Because dragon care is very modern idea, people are lenient to those who do bowl-feed, but those who do are encouraged to either scatter-feed so the dragon can search for their food, or to live-feed.


Like most dragon species, night lights are incredibly territorial during nesting season. Female night lights will remain with the eggs until they hatch, incubating them with her bioluminescence that provides a large amount of heat. Females will defend the eggs with her life, willing to charge at any animal that approaches the nest, even if it kills her. Males will search day and night for food, despite being nocturnal animals, bringing it back for the female so she may eat while the eggs incubate.

Domesticated night lights are much less territorial during nesting season, however they are known to attack their owners which they would otherwise die for. It is recommended to provide pet night lights with an appropriate nesting site, safe from predators, and leave them alone until the babies are grown enough to leave the nest.


Packs of night lights can range from less than ten to upwards of a hundred, even two hundred in extreme cases. These packs will fly from island to island, simply for the joy of exploring new locations and eating new animals. Packs are not just limited to wild night lights either, domesticated night lights have been seen to congregate within villages, form relationships and lay eggs.

Each pack will have three appointed leaders - one to watch for predators, one that only has power during nesting seasons and takes care of nests and eggs along with the mothers, and a final leader to rule over the two other leaders, and the rest of the pack. Both males and females can be appointed any leadership role, but it is more common to see a female as the nest-watcher, as their maternal instincts give them an advantage.


Breeding & Morphs

These dragons have been domesticated for thousands of years, and during that time many significant changes to their colouration and bioluminensce have occurred. Wild night lights do glow a range of colours, but selective breeding has resulted in a larger amount of colours, tints and shades, ranging from the deepest blacks that work the opposite and dim a room, to the brightest of colours that light a room so much you can't see a thing. The brightness.

In modern times, breeding of these dragons has become more prevalent, thanks to the desire for rarer patterns as a symbol of one's wealth and status. Many celebrities have pet night lights with unique patterns, such as Amandin Mea, a highly regarded actress who popularised the golden echo night light morph, a very difficult night light morph to properly take care of.

Scale morph are not the only type of morph - glow morphs are unique to the night light species. Thanks to the glow they produce in the dark, and the varying colours of the glows, people have selectively bred night lights for the perfect shade for their personal lamp.


Diamond Echo
Golden Echo
Silver Banded
Silver Echo
Spots & Stripes
Triple Band
And many more

Different Scale Morphs

Avenue night lights have two stripes down their backs and between their wings, from their nostrils all the way to the ends of their tails. The rest of the night light's colouration can vary, but these stripes will either be black or a silver. Avenue night lights aren't the most common, and can range anywhere from four thousand runes to ten thousand runes, based on their glow.
Dewy night lights are a very common morph. These night lights may display patterns of other morphs, but their scales will always shine much more brightly, appearing as if the dragon is constantly wet.
Moonview night lights have a range of colours, but the tops of their heads features a crescent moon shape that curves around one of the horns. When the crescent shape curves around the left horn it is considered lucky, while if it curves around the right horn it is considered the opposite.
Echo night lights are like an extreme version of moonview night lights, and the echo morph actually derived from it. Echo night lights feature the same crescent moon pattern, but sprawled across the dragon's body, usually forming long lines of the shape running down the night light's sides, and some on their backs.  


And many more

Different Glow Morphs

Possibly the most valuable glow morph, the particular shade is incredibly hard to come by. Gold night lights are only owned by the most wealthy of people on Dracosei, and are used as ornaments and a wealth status rather than for personal use. Many people are currently trying to ban the ownership of gold night lights, as practically every captive gold night light is mistreated.
Black night lights are the most incredible morph, as instead of producing light they produce darkness. Their glow is so overwhelming they take over light in the vicinity, and if you walked into the glow of a black night light, you would lose your vision. Black night lights are often used in schools and science museums, as their abilities are unseen in any other animal species on Dracosei.
25 - 30 years
Average Height
Average Length
1 - 1.2m
Average Wingspan

Cover image: Dracosei Header by Mochi


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