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Ambercite is a yellowish powder substance found within cave networks, on tropical planets around the Greater Oasis. The powder is used in the recipe for a number of illegal explosive devices, as its reactiveness with a certain element creates detrimental explosions.


Teratan Tunnels by Mochi

Often confused with powder sulphur, ambercite is much less common. Naturally a powder, pockets of ambercite can be found encased in arinite, a type of rock common in the Teratan Tunnels of Xiskin and caves of other planets.

The powder is soft, extremely fine, and warm to the touch. When in contact with neon, ambercite will cause the element to superheat and explode.


Ambercite has been used in the manufacturing of explosives for millions of years. Neon is an easily obtainable element, and together they have been used to create explosive devices such as grenades.


Ambercite on Xiskin was first extracted by the oanie during their first and only ventures to Xiskin. Only a hundred kilograms of ambercite was taken by the oanie, as they already had stores of it on their home planet. When Maresa first discovered ambercite and realised its lethal potential, only a few containers were taken back, and safely stored in a hidden place.

Ambercite Container by Mochi
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Dec 28, 2023 14:00 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Scary explosive substance!

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