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House Thewisy


"Nine a generation shall be gifted by Repute, with honorable warfare as their strong-suit. Blessed by the gods, these nine shall be, to crush the Obscure Ones, their destiny." - Prophesy of the Order of Astrae 
  As one of the original nine major houses of Anhara, House Thewisy was founded by a legendary courtesan of Vestria's, Galindaan The Wise. Wooing Vestria with his silver-tongue, this young Astral Paladin convinced the goddess to send him east, carving out a small territory in the Eastmarches. Through his reputation and the divine mission of his order, tasked by the gods were safeguarding the mortal realm from the Obscure Ones, his new city of Somae was left alone on the banks of the Nyara River.  



Intellectual Power

  While their founder's reputation got the house, who's name came from a corruption of "the Wise," through the early years of Anhara safely, his death led to the need for more safeguards against larger neighbors. Surrounded by House Salis to the north and west, and the mighty Keepers of the Eastmarches, House Caersea to the south and east, their survival was not guaranteed. To prevent their absorption or vassalization, Galasthion I began the construction of the Library of Somae, and the formation of House Thewisy's famed court. Founders of the Familial Movement, Galasthion I's court would become the model for all subsequent Thewisy endeavors.  
"Around the Lord Thewisy, each generation, the greatest minds and artisans naturally gravitate. To be in Somae is the peak for every courtesan, for in those beautiful halls your skills will be seen, your wits tested, and your character valued." - Book of the Courtesan
  Somae during the time of Galasthion I was the center of learning outside of Meridia, a source of pride for all rural noble houses. Here, the Thewisy family gathered the greatest thinkers of the age to develop what would later be called the Familial Movement. This school of philosophical thought is the antithesis to the beliefs espoused by the Coquet Height's urbanized nobility, with the lord being viewed as the father of a family, composed of all their vassals and citizens, rather than a class existing to maintain their own wealth and power. The tenets of the Familial Movement were adopted by House Caersea, House Salis, and House Osage in particular, raising the Thewisy family to a position of intellectual might and influence, and earning them their sought-after security.    
"When I journeyed with him to Meridia to watch the Rostrum for the first time, my father pointed out an older man in simple red robes, sitting silently in the Debate Hall. 'He rarely rises to speak, this one, but do not be deceived, for when he does, all listen,' he said. That was House Thewisy's Rhetor, and when I got older I would learn his family was what taught us rural lords pride." - Olivi Caersea, Lord Caerseat
    Somae itself expanded greatly during and following the reign of Galasthion I, with subsequent lords growing the famed Library of Somae to include the Academy Somae and The Crimson Quill. At the Academy Somae, the Familial Movement was developed into an educational system, and the first Masters of the Arts were educated. The "Master of the Arts" was a title conferred upon graduates of the institution, who would leave versed in the five arts of rhetoric, grammar, geography, arithmetic, and geometry. This feat could be earned regardless of social status, unlike at the University of Alarca.  
"...a grizzled older man, sunburnt and hunched under the weight of his pack, is not the eventual victim of some brigand on the road. Rather, he is the keeper of Anhara's history, maintainer of her traditions, and guide of her children." - The Crimson Quill, A History
  Based in the Library of Somae, and heavily involved in the Academy, the Crimson Quill formed the vanguard of Thewisy influence throughout Anhara. These scholars have two tasks crucial to the house's means of power. Firstly, there are the roving Crimson Quills, who traverse Anhara and the greater world with packs upon their backs and books in hand, tasked with recording history as it unfolds. Secondly, are the archivists, who translate the notes made by the roving Quills into books, stored within the library and under their management. This structure has persisted since their founding in 130AM to the present day, even as House Thewisy has evolved into the Keepers of the Eastmarches.  

Keepers of the Eastmarches

  While the Thewisy territories were small but powerful for hundreds of years, all that changed in 10AM with the sack of Caerseat. House Caersea had been a longtime ally of the Thewisys, as the Caerseas were Keepers of the Eastmarches, protecting the region from incursions from al-Tahat. However, the family also had a rivalry with the Nemura's Cay Pirates, which would ultimately spell doom for the house. In 10AM, the largest pirate raid in history hit Caerseat, burning down the structures, demolishing the castle, and killing much of the family. Young Olivi Caersea was the only surviving heir, as he was in Somae at the time, studying in the Academy. Upon his elevation to Lord Caersea, Olivi saw the writing on the wall and earned eternal honor in the eyes of his fellow Anharans by yielding the title of Keeper of the Eastmarches to Eleric II Thewisy.  
"Peaceful Assent! In the greatest work of national pride, Lord Caersea elevates House Thewisy to Keepers of the Eastmarches, for our borders and security, says he, is more valuable than any title! Truly these pirates have cost us one of our greatest houses, but shown us our greatest strengths!" - The Whistling Observer, on the Fall of House Caersea
  Olivi's pledging of fealty to Eleric II returned House Thewisy to the status of warriors as well as scholars, much like their legendary founder. This sudden shift in the politics of the east also gained the house huge tracts of land, and with the Caersea family vassalized and gifted the city of Imgreshold, many new and mighty minor houses fell under their sway. While Olivi was immortalized as a hero who cared more deeply for his country than his house, the Thewisy ascent was seen by most rural houses as a vindication of their culture over that of the Coquet Height's more urbanized families. This swept into power Galindaan IV Thewisy, who became in 31AM, the first rural Rhetorlord of the Age of Men.  
"Murder in the capital! The Rhetorlord Killed in Treacherous Ambush in the Debate Hall Itself, Just as Bill is Introduced to Stem Excess of Rhetors! Minor Houses Cry Foul!" - The Whistling Observer on the Eve of the First Climbing War
  Sadly for House Thewisy, their ascent to this long sought-after position fell short in 35AM with the assassination of Rhetorlord Galindaan IV. Thus, foreshadowing the start of the Second Climbing War after the death of Rhea Ilia, this assassination led to the beginning of the First Climbing War. While the political implications of, and full lead up to, that conflict are discussed elsewhere, House Thewisy played not only a crucial part in its beginning, but its end as well.  

Evelyn Thewisy

"House Oeis Falls! Their vassals, House Leone and House Moray declare for the Climbers, toppling one of Anhara's most ancient families." - The Whistling Observer
  While the First Climbing War begun with the death of the Thewisy Rhetorlord, Galindaan IV, it would be ended by his granddaughter. Evelyn Thewisy, who would go on to be one of the few Matriarchs outside of House Leone, was blessed in the tradition of so many of her ancestors. Repute always smiled upon the Thewisy bloodline, and like the house's mystical founder, Evelyn too was born an Ecomial Paladin. These divine warriors, prophesied to always number nine at a time, somewhere in the world, exist to do battle against forces of darkness and chaos.  
"The Oeis Seat is Sacked! Lady Evelyn Thewisy leads a Climber army against the last remnants of House Oeis, at the foot of Nyara's Peaks, destroying that ancient city." - The Whistling Observer
  Lady Evelyn embodied the best of both traditions, one of the most academically successful women in Anhara's history, she also had strength and power to rival her ancestors. Ending up leading the forces of the Climbers against the Conservatives, she did battle at the front, spilling much of the finest blood of Anhara's oldest families. Following the end of the war, she would serve ably as the Thewisy Rhetoress under her father, until ascending to the position of Matriarch upon his death.  

Kind Hand, Steady Blade

"I think I shall regret voting for this Talen Ossus fellow, the Discourse has shown he is truly blessed by the gods, but his heart, I think, longs for war. Repute shall keep us safe from his ever-clutching grasp, for the gods saw fit to grant me power as well." - Diaries, Edmund II Lord Thewisy
  The Thewisy motto has been their guiding motive in the 300 years since the First Climbing War. Since their heavy losses for the sake of reforming Anhara, the house has kept to themselves, focusing on the upkeep of their educational aspirations as well as their comparatively new duties protecting the nation from al-Tahat. House Thewisy's memory is long, and they maintained a technically neutral, but pro-rural house, stance until the Second Climbing War. When Rhea Ilia was struck down by an assassin in a similar manner to their long-past Rhetorlord, House Thewisy once again rose to the challenge, and led the charge against the Conservatives. However, House Thewisy is less enthusiastic about Talen Ossus, the new Rhetorlord, and grows increasingly cautious towards his militaristic stances.  
"When Thewisys venture to the capital, it seems to never go well. We shall wait here, amongst our tomes, and watch for trouble. The East shall be safe." - Edmund II

"Kind Hand, Steady Blade"

Major Noble Houses of Anhara at the Founding
Non-Vassal original noble houses.
Major Noble Houses at the Founding  
Major Noble Houses of Anhara
Major Noble Houses in the Present Day
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Age of Rule

When Vestria still ruled Anhara directly.

  • 78 AR

    The Death of Galindaan the Wise
    Life, Death

    Galindaan the Wise dies, the last of the nine legendary founders of Anhara's major noble houses.

  • 78 AR

    29 Mae

    Reign of Galasthion I Begins
    Political event

    Galasthion-Far-Seer succeeds his father, Galindaan the Wise.

  • 90 AR

    Library of Somae Founded

    Galasthion I founds the Library of Somae.

    Additional timelines
  • 95 AR

    17 Churus

    Reign of Galasthion I Ends
    Political event

    Galasthion-Far-Seer dies in Somae.

  • 95 AR

    18 Churus

    Reign of Galasthion II Begins
    Political event


  • 100 AR

    End of the Era of Legend
    Era beginning/end

    While in some regions it may have ended earlier or later, in the historiography of Anhara, 100 AR is viewed as the end of the Era of Legend. During this period, time was recorded loosely, and stories ought not be treated as historical fact. This was the time of the Legendary Cycles of Anhara, of the Nine Founders, monsters, and divine interaction.   The Era of Legend was followed by the relative stability of the Era of Grace.

  • 117 AR

    Academy Somae Founded

    The Academy Somae is founded by House Thewisy, the premiere center of higher learning for the rural houses of Anhara.

    Additional timelines
  • 120 AR

    3 Lorun

    Reign of Galasthion II Ends
    Political event

  • 120 AR

    4 Lorun

    Reign of Merell I Begins
    Political event

  • 130 AR

    The Crimson Quills Founded

    The Crimson Quill are founded in Somae.

    Additional timelines
  • 142 AR

    5 Iarus

    Reign of Merelle I Ends
    Political event

  • 219 AR

    "Masters of the Arts" Degree Established

    The Masters of the Arts is a degree conferred upon a student of the Academy of Somae who completed study of rhetoric, grammar, arithmetic, geometry, and logic.

  • 260 AR

    19 Veru

    Reign of Pelaine I Begins
    Political event

  • 261 AR

    Study of Theology Added at the Academy

    In honor of the return of Pelaine I, an Encomial Paladin, from the Unknown Tides, Theology is added to the Academy's curriculum.

  • 297 AR

    2 Enos

    Reign of Pelaine I Ends
    Political event

  • 317 AR

    Tenets of Familial Ways Published
    Cultural event

    The first edition of the Our House, or the Noble Family, later known as Tenets of Familial Ways is written, eventually spawning what scholars would call the Familial Movement - the philosophical justification for the noble house system of the Eastmarch and Vinelands.

    More reading
    Familial Movement
  • 350 AR

    End of the Era of Grace
    Era beginning/end

    While it may have faded out earlier or later in some regions, 350 AR is treated in the historiography of Anhara as the end of the End of Grace. This period saw stability in the political makeup of Anhara, with the divine right of the existing houses being sacrosanct. After the end of the period, the fall of houses to usurpers became much more common and accepted, such as the Fall of House Braelea

  • 438 AR

    19 Mistra

    Reign of Eleric I Begins
    Political event

  • 439 AR

    Crimson Quill Reforms
    Civil action

    Eleric I Thewisy begins reforming measures for the Crimson Quill, removing bloated bureaucracy and ending the siphoning of funds by minor nobles. Gregory of the Tree appointed Chief Archivist.

  • 440 AR

    Appointed Minor House Lemon Created

    Gregory of the Tree ennobled to "Appointed Minor" status by Eleric I Thewisy.

    Additional timelines
  • 453 AR

    The Lord's Court Formally Created
    Gathering / Conference

    Eleric I, the great reformer, creates the first formal Lord's Council. This was a group of the most important courtesans and ministers, in constant contact with the lord at Somae. Prior to this, councils only assembled when called. After this, it became a standing council, with procedures and specified offices.

  • 460 AR

    18 Veru

    Reign of Eleric I Ends
    Political event

  • 460 AR

    19 Veru

    Reign of Pelaine III Begins
    Political event

    Pelaine III succeeds his father, Eleric I, a great reformer. Pelaine III would lead the Thewisy response to the Hedge Wars, before dying in the Threshing.

  • 471 AR

    Tahati Raids Increase
    Military: Skirmish

    A series of skirmishes with Tahati raiders occur along the Narrow Sea. While these were frequent occurences in the past, their intensity and organization increased dramatically.

    Narrow Sea
    More reading
    The Threshing
  • 476 AR

    477 AR

    The Threshing Begins
    Military: War

    The conflict with al-Tahat escalates, and the source of their newfound organization is discovered. Chariot riders from the east of al-Tahat breach the Stonewebs and sweep through the interior plains of the Eastmarches, destroying the Tillage and besieging Somae.

    More reading
    The Threshing
  • 476 AR

    12 Mae

    Reign of Pelaine III Ends
    Political event

    Pelaine III is killed in combat during the Siege of Somae, while leading the construction of temporary walls and attempting to prevent the abduction of Evelyn Thewisy.

  • 476 AR

    13 Mae

    Reign of Gaerith II Begins
    Political event

    Gaerith II succeeds his father, Pelaine III, as Lord Thewisy after the latter's death in battle. He would become known as Gaerith the Rebuilder, leading the reconstruction of Somae and personally planning the city, as well as instituting the regional council, elevating most of the new nobility, and widespread legal reforms.

Age of Men

When the gods left the world to govern itself.

  • 10 AM

    Keepers of the Eastmarches
    Civil action

    House Caersea voluntarily submits to vassalization, transferring the title of Keeper of the Eastmarches to House Thewisy.

  • 25 AM

    The Greater & Lesser Embankments Are Constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    Begun in 12 AM, it took decades of manual labor and engineering to construct the Greater and Lesser Embankments. The Greater runs along the northern, and the Lesser along the southern, shore of Nyara's River and are both the main east-west road, as well as a defensive measure against the overflowing tide. These altered much of the marshy environment, and were aimed at both draining the water-logged, peat lowlands, destroying the innumerable tributary streams, and most importantly ridding the tidal zone of mosquitoes.

    Nyara River
  • 31 AM

    Galindaan IV Elected Rhetorlord
    Political event

    Galindaan IV Thewisy Elected as First Rural Rhetorlord in the Age of Men.

    Additional timelines
  • 34 AM

    Book of the Courtesan Published
    Artistic creation

    The Book of the Courtesan is published by an anonymous member of the Thewisy Court, painting a picture of a vibrant life in Somae, just before the First Climbing War. After the period of stagnation following the war, it would see a revival as an aspirational work during Somae's rebranding as the center of the world.

  • 35 AM

    Galindaan IV Thewisy Assassinated
    Political event

    Rhetorlord Galindaan IV Thewisy Assassinated in Meridia

    Additional timelines
  • 36 AM

    First Climbing War Begins
    Military action

    The First Climbing War begins following the death of Rhetorlord Galindaan IV Thewisy. The "Climbers" do battle with the "Conservatives," to wrest power from the older noble houses and end the inundation of Rhetors on the Rostrum.

    Additional timelines
  • 40 AM

    First Climbing War Ends
    Military action

    The First Climbing War comes to an end with the Treaty of Somae.

    Additional timelines
  • 100 AM

    End of the Era of Upheaval
    Era beginning/end

    While the chaos following the Crossing Over may have cooled down sooner or later in different regions, 100 AM is held to be the end of the Era of Upheaval in the historiography of Anhara. This period was violent, and marked by a lack of control in the wake of the gods' exit.

  • 154 AM

    Thewisy Golden Age Begins
    Cultural event

    Fueled by the arrival of coffee: it began with a boom in philosophy, a previously much-maligned field, and ran until the entirety of the city had been reconstructed under the three long-lived lords Edmyr, Galaad, and Tristan.

  • 155 AM

    Reign of Edmyr III Begins
    Political event

    The reign of Edmyr III begins - the first of the three long-lived builder-lords of Somae's golden age. He would go on to reconstruct first the Azuretop, before moving into the Sash's academic-focused neighborhoods.

  • 155 AM

    Altarai Opens

    The Altarai opens, the first coffeehouse in Anhara, marking the start of the Somae's Golden Age.

  • 200 AM

    12 Nemura

    Reign of Edmyr III Ends
    Political event

    Reign of Edmyr III ends, dying peacefully in the city he had only begun to rebuild. Under his reign the malaise of House Thewisy's isolationism faded, and he yields up his goals to his eminently compitent son - Galaad IV.

  • 200 AM

    13 Nemura

    Reign of Galaad II Begins
    Political event

    Galaad II succeeds his father and continues his legacy as the second of the long-lived builder-kings of Somae's golden age. He would spread the rebuilding of Somae out from the Sash, finishing the reconstruction of the academic complexes and reorganising the Academy's faculties. To Galaad is accredited the apocryphal "City of Crimson" quotation, and he began construction of the Rudroof districts in red sandstone.

  • 222 AM

    The Moneychanger Opens

    The Moneychanger Opens in Somae, a coffeehouse run by House Melac, which also functioned as a currency exchange. This would eventually grow into the Eastmarch Bank & Trust.

  • 247 AM

    26 Churus

    Reign of Galaad II Ends
    Political event

    The reign of Galaad II ends peacefully, with the city being remade in his image. His son and successor, Tristan I would conclude his grand plans.

  • 247 AM

    27 Churus

    Reign of Tristan I Begins
    Political event

    The reign of Tristan I begins. The last of the three long-lived builder-lords of Somae's Golden Age, Tristan would conclude his father's plans. He would expand the rebuilding of Somae beyond Rudroof, bringing improvements even to the outermost impoverished neighborhoods and as far as the city's outer villages.

  • 252 AM

    Sir Reynaud Brodie Begins His Auctions

    Sir Reynaud Brodie begins selling books seized by Somae customs officials in Altairai, eventually founding Sirs Brodie, Fane, & Hamlyn, the leading sellers of rare books.

  • 267 AM

    6 Meda

    Reign of Tristan I Ends
    Political event

    The reign of Tristan I ends, the last of the builder-lords of Somae's Golden Age. His son and heir would continue the boom in planned infrastructure changes and reforms. However, the farsighted, well-governed rules of the three builder-lords would not be seen with such effectiveness for many reigns more.

  • 267 AM

    7 Meda

    Reign of Tristan II Begins
    Political event

    The reign of Tristan II begins. He would continue the theme of his father, grandfather, and great grandfather's reforms and reconstruction to a lesser extent. Tristan II included a faculty of troubadours in the Academy, revitalising that dying art, and expanded the city's theatres, arts, and artisans dramatically. His rule was eccentric, and some rumours swirled about his secretly playing female roles on the stage - he has since been mythologized as an icon for individuals of differing sexual or gender orientation.

  • 282 AM

    17 Enos

    Reign of Tristan II Ends
    Political event

    The reign of Tristan II ends, shorter than his ancestors, but impactful especially for the noble youth and more avant-garde of the city. His measures, somewhat decried as wasteful at the time, would do much to preserve the fading ancient traditions of the Eastmarches. Sadly, preserving the troubadours would not be truly valued as one of the most iconic aspects of Somae until well after his death.

  • 282 AM

    18 Enos

    Reign of Virion I Begins
    Political event

    The reign of Virion I begins, succeeding his older brother Tristan II. He intended to reform the Academy Somae, but his rule quickly became preoccupied with religious fanaticism spreading from Wildheath.

  • 289 AM

    Induin Uprising Begins
    Military action

    Beginning in the foothills of Nyara's Peaks, a preacher known as Induin would lead some of the last refugees from Old Oeis into the Wildheath. Settling them at Induin's Landing and amongst the ruins in that region, the Thewisys eventually left him alone until being pressured into seizing him for heresy. An uprising soon began.

  • 291 AM

    Induin Uprising Ends
    Military action

    The Induin Uprising largely ends. Mixed results for Thewisy forces, especially in the realm of forest combat, led to a negotiated settlement. Induin was allowed to persist in Induin Landing - in exchange, he would keep his beliefs to the philosophical rather than religious realm.

  • 292 AM

    Student Riots
    Political event

    Students at the Academy begin to riot in the face of rising rents and a lack of jobs. A predictable event given growing tensions between town and gown, it was fueled by the rebuilding of Somae that benefited locals to the detriment of students by depriving them of cheap housing. Lord Virion I sought to preemptively deal with this before distraction, but solved the Induin crisis too late.

  • 293 AM

    12 Mae

    Student Union Forms
    Political event

    The Student Union is founded, bringing together the previous student organizations - grouped around regions - into one governing body. Its goals were to require further regulation of faculty standards, requiring fair teaching, housing rights, and employment guarantees.

  • 293 AM

    10 Lorun

    Virion I Concedes to the Student Union
    Political event

    Virion I, already fundamentally on the side of the students, quickly yields to most of their demands. Students are guaranteed rights regarding faculty decisions. Tax breaks are offered to households that host students, and property rights are guaranteed to the regional organizations of students in Paix. To help satiate the town, merchants and storeowners are given tax incentives to hire students in their shops, curfews are imposed for students in some neighborhoods, and access to Beaurun is restricted.

  • 304 AM

    12 Veru

    Reign of Virion I Ends
    Political event

    The reign of Virion I ends, celebrated as a just ruler by the Student Unions in particular, and honored for his peacemaking and concessions in the spike of town-versus-gown conflicts.

  • 304 AM

    12 Veru 12:00

    Thewisy Golden Age Ends
    Era beginning/end

    The Thewisy Golden Age, or Golden Age of Somae, comes to an end with the death of Virion I. Somae has been rebuilt, the Academy has undergone reform and an increased reputation in its faculties, and state funding for the arts and culture saw a boom in the preservation of tradition. Virion I was the last of a line of five of House Thewisy's most proactive, farsighted rulers - making a fitting capstone to the period.

  • 304 AM

    12 Veru 13:00

    Reign of Helene I Begins
    Political event

    Lady Helene I takes the throne after the death of Virion I as the result of a succession crisis. Virion I was childless, and himself only the brother of Tristan II - who had no trueborn children - and were both the only two sons of Tristan I. The Lords of the Eastmarches had to look back to descendants of Galaad II, and found his great granddaughter Helene - second cousin to Virion - to be next in line. Reluctant to rule, she came to power with the backing of conservative townies fighting back at the pro-gown reforms of Virion.

  • 350 AM

    End of the Era of Reprise

    While the different regions of Anhara solidified their institutions and characteristics at different times, 350 AM is held to be the end of the Era of Reprise in the historiography of Anhara. This period saw regional spirits and loyalties develop, surplanting the fractured nature of earlier periods, and the even earlier national supremacy of the Rostrum.

  • 549 AM

    Reign of Edmund II Begins
    Political event

    Edmund II takes power. He would become a leading member of the Climbers in the Second Climbing War and a chief negotiator of the peace process, before eventually falling out with Rhetorlord Ossus.


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