Narrow Sea Geographic Location in Wyrion | World Anvil

Narrow Sea


  Few nations have done battle more than Anhara and al-Tahat, with skirmishing along their border a near-constant. One could only imagine what life in this area would be like without the Narrow Sea. A deep gash, with cliffs and mountains along either side, this body of water lays between the Eastmarches of Anhara, and the Julfar Savanna of al-Tahat. At its northern entrance is The Caersea, known to the desert tribes as the Bab-el-Nar or Gate of Fire. Upon this entrance sits Caerseat, a largely ruined fortress, formerly home to House Caersea. On the southern end of the Narrow Sea is the Gulf of Oeisryn, also known as the Bab-el-Tadmir or Gate of Ruin, to the desert's denizens. This entrance is guarded by Oeisryn, an imposing fortress high atop a cliff. In the middle of the Narrow Sea, two major lighthouses can be spotted, one upon an island to the north, and a second at the base of Anhara's cliffs in the south.


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