Imbrued Fading | Thicket of Thorns

Imbrued Fading

To some, the vanishing nature of spectres seems desirable. Ghosts are able to move through solid objects, peer into voids mortals can't, and they manifest powers due to their tenuous connection to reality. But they are also unable to hold onto the life of the living, suffer constant psychological degradation, and are detached from all they love. How much better wouldn't it be to only stay like that temporarily?   There is a potion made from several herbs, including aconite, mugwort, and poppy amongst others; this potion will inflict a deep slumber while letting the one ingesting its spirit leave the body. Of course, many have died permanently as a result. There seems to be a correlation between how long the spirit is away and the odds that it might reunite with its body.


While the body slumbers, the spirit is effectively a ghost. But it does retain a connection to the body, keeping it breathing. Harm to one brings harm to the other. The body does have life signs, but very weak such and a doctor will want to pursue emergency treatments. However, these procedures might well sever the connection and thus kill the individual.   The spirit is always aware of where their body is unless they are pulled into the Thicket of Thorns or some other world. This is especially hard since they, like all ghosts, struggle to remain on any other plane than the Land of the Dead.


The body must receive a special salve of oils and sandalwood every hour or lose its connection to the spirit permanently. This means that anyone who subjects themselves to this needs someone they trust to watch over them. They also need to keep their body away from anyone who might interfere. This often includes hospitals trying to help them.

Cultural Reception

Even among those aware of the world past the Thorns, this is considered an extremely dangerous practice. Only the most reckless or those most obsessed with death use it on a regular basis.
Affected Species


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