Ghost | Thicket of Thorns


When someone dies, their soul is usually dragged to one of the worlds that could receive it. Both Keter and Inferno seem special in this regard, able to capture souls that adhere to their ideals even if the dead were seeking them out. But then there are souls who can't move on.   A ghost hangs onto its memory of a people, places, or objects. When these Fetters are lost, the ghost has a harder and harder time holding on. They are strongest around thhese connections, or in the Land of the Dead and they are always pulled towards the latter everytime they risk letting go. They might end up in a different location if their soul is freed intentionally rather than cast out. Spirits in the Land of the Dead often resent those who get to dwell amongst the living and might well lash out.   On their home plane, ghosts are usually invisible to anyone without the sight of a Medium. But they can still cause effects such as lashing out physically, interrupting electricity, or causing disturbing hallucinations. They might also make themselves partially visible in an attempt to show the living what they want. The move damaged the ghost's soul is, the fewer options it has. It simply needs the Forces to impact the world and once those are lost, they can't be mended.


A traumatic death or one where the dying had a singular focus on remaining are much more likely to produce a ghost. Someone at peace and ready to move on will never result in a ghost as it has no fetters. The exception is that some Death Branch magic can keep a soul around against its will. This is frowned upon by nearly every entity who'se world souls go to and they will punish such magic profoundly.


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