Bloodmages Organization in The Wellspring Dragons | World Anvil


While we don't know much about the bloodmage cult in general, we do know they are actively recruiting new members.
From the notebook
of Shiobe:
  In this document:
All artwork by Shanda Nelson unless otherwise stated
captblack76, Adobe Stock Images

The Bloodmage Cult

  The bloodmages are the modern incarnation of an ancient religious cult that was active some six thousand years ago. They have conscripted the trappings of the Zofotha religion, and honor its deity, a bloodsylf named Temberest.   We're not certain how long they've been around, who their leadership is, or if they were killed during the Illenan invasion of Merren (in all likelihood, probably not). There are hints that they've been in hiding in northern Merren and southern Oritan for centuries and that it's only been recently, with the rise of the Merren despot, that they've outed themselves.   They had a kingly puppet. The lure of that power was too great for them to ignore.
Yes, I do find it appalling they wear red robes as bloodmages. Yes, I do find it appalling, they use Nhikenek's Hand as a symbol. They can't get any more stereotypical.   But I'm under the impression they aren't the most creative people, either. Tradition means more than ingenuity.

Failing Cult

  What we know about the inner workings of the cult come from Eliozhe, a Condi siojhetioh, and Zhelij, a twilight being the bloodmages conjured.   Neither were privy to important cultish information, but they do know that the bloodmages are actively recruiting new members outside the cult.   1
According to Eliozhe, the cult is desperate. The leaders have relied on familial obligations to keep members subdued and in the cult, but the younger generations are not happy with their lot. They're leaving, and faster than the bloodmages can reproduce.   There is evidence their bloodmagick is failing, and it may be, they are losing their strongest members to this exodus.  
To replenish their members, the cult leaders have been making outlandish promises to people in power (royalty, nobles, merchant lords, and the like). Not only are they promising them wealth and prestige, but they are also promising those who cannot wield the ability to use magick.   This promise has attracted many, from high nobles to village leaders. Eliojhe and Zhelih say they target individuals who are discontented with their current life's prospects, or who suffer some familial or social problems.   Since mystery artists are among the most influential and formidable beings on Seari, it makes sense people who have hit hard times, or who are cut off from family, or who want revenge on someone, would see the offer as too alluring to pass up.   3
But how are they managing to gift the ability to wield to non-mystery artists? You're either born with magickal power, or you're not. There isn't any in between. Even if you learn spells, you have no way to wield them without access to magick wells (yes, they have bloodstones that they use as magickal wells. No, you still can't access them as a layperson).   It may be, in their desperation, the cult's leaders lie to potential recruits, and when it dawns on their victims the cult misled them, it's too late for them to back away and say, 'No thanks.' They've likely already committed too many atrocities, and the bloodmages will threaten to reveal these acts to keep them in line. It's how they silenced Eliozhe, after all.   4


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Aug 5, 2023 21:56 by Barron

Ooph, a failing organization that relies on snake oil promises to pull in members. Fantastic article, and I'd love to see some quotes from the folks who have been converted or those who have resisted!

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