Tav Ninnetae Ceremony Tradition / Ritual in Lethea | World Anvil

Tav Ninnetae Ceremony

Blankets and Burritos

Gather around and take out the blankets. The Tav Ninnetae walk will start as soon as everyone is ready.
— Matteas Allakoi

  Every year on a summer holiday called Tav Ninnetae, a special ceremony is held in Ambrelian communities. It's a day dedicated to celebrating relationships, whether they be platonic, romantic, or familial. People go out in small groups and enjoy a quiet and relaxing time in parks, forests, and gardens. The most popular designation are the Hertiswett Woods, the large parks in Stallvern, and the public gardens in the Retji Ridge. It is a tradition to carry a blanket on the journey as the weather can be unreliable. Being covered in a blanket is said to bring good luck, and it keeps the wearer dry in case it starts raining.

The Activities

Burrito by samuelfernandezrivera

  For those who live near a forest, park, or garden, the day's activities start at around nine o'clock in the morning. Those who live further away have to get up early in the morning, or a few days before the event, to get there on time. It's generally wise to bring a meal on the trip. The popular destinations have people who sell food, usually burritos, but since the Tav Ninnetae Ceremony takes up all day, an extra meal can come in handy. Other than the food, the participants also bring blankets and staffs for walking and protection.

Should we take a look at the pond and see if we can spot the ducks or should we go eat? I heard that there's a burrito cart nearby.
— Johanea

  Once a group or couple have arrived, they are free to do whatever they want. Some look around for a place to sit down, talk, eat, and relax, while others enjoy walking around and seeing the sights. While walking around, people cover themselves in blankets. The blanket tradition is somewhat strange as the territory where the walks take place is rather warm. During heatwaves, most people choose to ignore the peculiar tradition.
  The hours can go by quickly when spending time in good company. Some sing together, others go and look at the wildlife, but what everyone on the walks does is talk. The day is dedicated to forming stronger bonds between people and getting to know each other.

Public Gardens

Private landowners who own impressive gardens open them for the public to enjoy on Tav Ninnetae. They usually profit from their generous deed by selling the guests food and drinks. Most landowners also sell exclusive access to more secluded parts of their gardens, perfect for wealthier couples.
  These gardens are only open to the public on Tav Ninnetae. During the rest of summer and early autumn, the guests have to pay a hefty sum to marvel in the gardens' splendour.
Primary Related Location
Related Ethnicities
The path among the trees
The path among the trees by Kaboompics.com

The First Walk

The origins of the Tav Ninnetae Ceremony date back over a hundred years. According to the Ambrelians, a woman from Danea, a small town near the Hertiswett Woods, travelled to far away lands. On her journey, she made met girl from Sveira, a village in the Cinnamon Pass.   Together they sailed north to Rükenland. Wondering through the streets of Eekberge, the two ran into a Saralian man from Ranta. For some unknown reason, the Saralian followed them. On the next day, the three met a man from the faraway Lorati Grassland. He too decided to follow the group.   Together the four went south towards a town called Mainen. On their way, they travelled through Kentrall Forest. The group decided to spend a few days in the forest instead of going to the settlement. From there, their bonds grew strong and when they finally had to return home, they all departed as friends.

Cover image: Green Grass on Forest by Rudolf Jakkel


Author's Notes

Special shoutout to my friends Happy, Ninne and Jonil. Please check out their worlds :3

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Jul 25, 2019 18:10 by William Belley

The first walk is a nice addition. I feel this ceremony is simple yet big in meaningfulness. Sometimes roads crosses back again.   is nightime travel also a choice some do, to enjoy more calm or perhaps nightly scenery?   Wholesome read nonetheless. Happy SC !   Aside from ducks, are there other critters curious to come and grab a snack around, like squirrels or small birds ?

Jul 25, 2019 18:33 by Mihkel Rand

Thank you for the comment!   I'm sure that some walk around at night, but there are some extra things to consider then. By night-time, all the burrito sellers would have gone home, and the public gardens are closed. Birds are common enough and there are squirrels in the forests.

Creator of Lethea and Pekkola

Maker of Maps
Jul 28, 2019 22:46 by Orlon

Walking in gardens and eating burritos sounds like a great festival!

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