
Horse Riders and Goat Herders

Try not to fall asleep. You'll never know when those Celadrisian goats will show up!
— Väinö Haškarilaiž, Saralian commander
  The Celadrisian are a nomadic people who live primarily in the Patic Grassland. They are named after the Celadris, a great river south of the grassland. Celadrisians are feared for their combat prowess and their tendency to raid and pillage. Most of them are animists, but occasionally religious syncretism between their native faith and other nearby religions occurs.  



Celadrisians are usually born under the open sky or within a yurt. As the mother gives birth, the female members of the family quietly chant. The chanting is believed to give strength to the newborn. The more chanters there are, the stronger and healthier the child will be. Four days after birth, the child will receive their first name. First names are always unisex.

Coming of Age

Once a child has stopped growing, they will be eligible for their first raid. Raiding is how a Celadrisian man or woman becomes an adult. The inexperienced raiders tend to target weak and defenceless villages, but some braver groups have engaged in skirmishes with other Celadrisians and organised town militias. Upon their return, they will choose their second name.
Well that was exciting and horryfiing! We were not prepared for that mess yet somehow we're still here.
Milawsa Ba Uari, Celadrisian Razirit


Orange Pumpkin by Jessica Lewis
The funeral of a Celadrisian depends on how they died. A man or woman who dies peacefully will receive a quiet funeral. Only the closest members of their family will be allowed to attend. The body will be buried. They will become one with the ground that the proud Celadrisian horses gallop on. All of their belongings will be passed down to their children or siblings.   Those who die in a glorious battle will receive a heroes funeral. The fallen warrior and their fallen companions will be turned to ashes along with their bow, arrows, horse, and sabre. The Celadrisians think that by burning them together, their spirits will continue to live among them, guiding them to victory.
Encompassed species
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Name order
Family name + given name (unisex) + chosen name
Ari, Bezai, Uari
Adšal, Bawon

The Goats

A strange thing that the Celadrisians are known for is their love of goats. Goats show up in their stories, songs, and artwork. They are protected and respected.   According to their legends, Ašasad, the mythological hero of their people, had been saved by goats. By drinking their milk, the giant of a man had recovered his strength, giving him the power to liberate all Celadrisians from an ancient foe.


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Jul 10, 2019 05:44 by Emperor Charles II

Hello Dhelian. I don't have a joke for this one, sorry. I'll just give my friendly feedback wizardry and then move on,   I'm a simple man; I see a map and click like :D I might want to check the map though, as the highlighted part and the borders don't quite match. Unless that's intentional, in which case never mind!   I also love the CSS and the way the three "columns" of content form a nice consistent rectangle. I try to copy that level of attention to formatting when I can ;)   One thing that I would like to hear more about are their day-to-day traditions. You mention birth death and coming of age, but what do they wear? What do they consider beautiful? Are there any goat-related traditions?   Alright, it's time to play some games over on Veltaffen. I'll see you there :)

Jul 11, 2019 10:18

This was a really nice article to read! I like how you explained the naming tradition and order of the names. I was left wondering, though: why unisex names at birth but then gendered names after becoming adults? (I really liked the unisex name idea btw)   Also, I'm 100% with Charles about the goat-related traditions :P

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