Taurian | World Anvil - Isekai Codex

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Language of the Minotaurs

This language was once widely spoken throughout the Mystic Jungle and beyond in the bordering lands as the native language of the proud Minotaur race but today it has become a novelty in the current age. Speakers of this language are generally Minotaurs or those that lived along the borders of the Mystic Jungle, and Elves, in particular, had great respect for this species and preserved their language. The script for this language is rather unique even among the many languages of Isekai and has little outside influence from other cultures.    The earliest appearance of this language is tied to the discovery of the Minotaur race, their own historical records state that they have existed for much longer than the Elves can confirm but the language is considered to have been discovered by the world outside the Mystic Jungle when the Elves and the Minotaurs first crossed paths. The spoken language of Taurian incorporates body language heavily to include head tosses, weighted stamps of a hooved foot, and several sounds that rely on being able to snort loudly during the formation of words. The script seems to have originated as markings cut or slashed into living wood which gives it a choppy appearance on most mediums, when using ink on paper it requires a nimble hand to avoid making large blotches where the brush or pen strokes connect. While the script for Taurian is not considered beautiful by most it does appear to have an exotic quality that was often used to adorn ceremonial masks, pendants, and the wooden hafts of weapons. This language has a small presence in the world that is mostly concentrated in the southern portion of the Elven Kingdom and preserved for historical purposes.    The advantages of speaking this language are few as even surviving Minotaurs and wanderers will choose to use more common languages when given the choice of speaking Taurian. The written component of the language proves particularly useful when delving into ancient structures that have sunken into the sands of the Deadzone. An understanding of the script may prove useful in deciphering the history of the Mystic Jungle that was kept secret from the outside world as they often choose to rebuke outsiders from entering their domain regardless of their relations.

Writing System

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Sep 25, 2021 00:01 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Poor Minotaurs. :( It's sad that they would often rather use a common language instead.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
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