Eagles | World Anvil - Isekai Codex

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Birds of Prey

Wings glide silently on the breeze before quickly pinning to the bird's side as it drops, eyes locked on its scurrying prey below. Outstretched talons deftly grab the running mouse, ascending back into the sky before the tiny creature can attempt to get away. The glowing eyes of the sky so often see all, watching small movements from above, planning just how quickly prey can be caught and returned to a tree branch and a nest to be consumed. While predators stalk from the land and sky, it is those from above on silent wings that are often the most deadly.   Eagles are commonly found across Isekai in almost every part of the world. Variations of this bird are scattered across the world, from the Neither Tundra to the north to the Either Tundra in the south and the Fire Islands to the west. A large bird of prey, these creatures sustain themselves with keen eyesight and sharp talons that allow them to catch even the smallest of prey. While Eagles vary greatly in size, they are considered to be one of the largest birds of prey in the world.   Few ever cross paths with Eagles unless they are injured or your travels have caused you to surprise the birds. Much like creatures such as wolves and bears, Eagles prefer to hunt from a distance, allowing them to stay out of sight of their prey. Travelers often see them high above on clear days, often far enough away that it is difficult to truly say whether it is a Hawk or an Eagle they are seeing. These creatures are majestic and respected for their skills and hunting, much like the Tridae that resemble them.  

Basic Information

Hooded Eagle
Hooded Eagles are one of many types of Eagles that roam Isekai. Named by the Dwarves, these birds are commonly found in mountain forests where small prey is plentiful. They are considered to be the largest of all Eagle species in the world.


Eagles are large birds, often ranging from twenty to forty inches from beak to tail. These birds can weigh upwards of fifteen pounds but have a massive wingspan of up to nine feet. In many places, Eagles are considered one of the largest birds of prey but are often not the largest birds in an area.   Female Eagles are often much larger than their male counterparts, often by about twenty-five percent. The size of Eagles varies widely by location, with many of the subspecies becoming larger the farther north or south one moves from the Zóni.   Eagles can sometimes be determined by their weak, chirping whistles that seemingly mimic other seafaring birds. Young Eagles have harsh, shrill calls that have been known to startle, but hearing such sounds is not common.  

Genetics & Reproduction

A wide variety of Eagles live through Isekai including the Gilded Eagle (Aquila gildae) and Hooded Eagle (Haliaeetus nordei). Many more variations of eagles exist throughout the world, but most commonly, all are referred to as Eagles or Hawks, even though these species are different. Depending on one's location, Eagle and Hawk may be used interchangeably, but Avians, the Tridae specifically, tend to frown on this practice as there is a difference between the birds.  

Ecology and Habitats

These creatures live in a variety of locations throughout the world. Depending on subspecies, Eagles prefer areas with rivers and lakes or forested areas where they can easily hunt their preferred prey.   Trees, cliffs, and other high-up areas are necessary for nesting and brooding as Eagles are extremely territorial of their nests. A great deal of space is needed as well for these nests as some Eagles can build nests that are upwards of thirteen feet deep, eight feet wide, and can weigh as much as two thousand pounds.
Gilded Eagle
Gilded Eagles are found across both continents of Isekai, but more commonly on the continent of Vóreios. These birds prefer fish over small game but are willing to eat what can be found. Areas with rivers or lakes are often prefect habitats for Gilded Eagles.
15 to 35 years
Average Weight
5 lbs to 15 lbs
Average Length
20 in to 40 in, including the tail
Average Wingspan
5 ft to 9 ft
Group Name
Convocation of Eagles
Geographic Distribution


Author's Notes

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