Kordan Language in Idyll | World Anvil


It sounds a bit sing-songy doesn't it?
August to Zamarca
  Kordan is a creole language created out of the pidgin of several other languages when a lot of species settled down together in the city of Korda over 250 years ago.   Like all languages in the world of Idyll the language is only spoken in the city of Korda, since those who travel usually have a translation stone to help them with languages that they do not understand.    


Will you carry his necklace?
Are you ready to suffer the consequences of your friend's actions? Because what your friends do might rub off onto you.

Two minds, one heart
This is a saying that Dragons use a lot. Because they can Soulbond. It doesn't have to be romantic, but it usually is.

Dragons fly untaught
You are a product of both nature and nurture. Their genes give dragons wings but the dragons learn to fly by watching the adults do it. It's a saying that has come from the dragons but now, like the previous one, has become used by the other species. An ironic thing is that Dragons living in Korda rarely fly.

Don't pay your tailor to craft you a sword./Don't ask your tailor for a sword.
People only know what they know. People only make judgments based on their own experience/knowledge. So a sword you get by a tailor might fail you when you need it. But they know how to make good clothes and that's also needed.

Aim too far and fall too hard.
If you try to do too much you will fail at doing the little things.

There's no blood or water in his eyes.
His eyes are cold, there's no emotion in that guy. Used by some of the elves around 200 years ago about the Bugfolk or the Beastfolk, as their emotions aren't visible on their faces. They use their body language more. Now it is mostly used about cold people in general.
Spoken by
Images coming after WorldEmber, so sometime in 2021.


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