Homesteaders' Grant Document in Ethnis | World Anvil

Homesteaders' Grant

Homesteaders' Grants are issued to colonists who wish to start a new life on the rediscovered worlds. The grant gives licence to claim a plot of land of specified size and/or location, and provides a basic stipend to help cover the costs of setup.

Colonists without a grant recieve no protections or insurance against thievery or assault.

It's hard work, but it's honest work.

— A Homesteader

Homsteaders Colonial Grants

Colonial Grants grant the right and resources to live in a colony. A Homesteaders Grant is specifically for those who wish to stake their claim outside of the designated colonies. They are supported because Homesteaders often end up setting up the other infrastructures and services that a world might need, such as radio towers, relay stations, Wayship ports, and so forth.


A Grant is limited to the plot of land it is written for. Trying to expand beyond the reach of that land, or to have certain business conducted on it, or sometimes even just having too many people can result in a violation of the grant, which results in the revocation of the rights and resources it confers.

Sonsabitches took away my grant! They've been trying to for years and they finally got me on something. Said my family was too big now that we've had another kid, and that my still counts as a business.

They've said this land aint mine anymore but if they want it, they can come ask my shotgun for it.

— Angry Homesteader

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Licence, Civil
Crystal, Photonic

Issued By

Homesteaders Grants are funded by the companies which privatize colonoization for their Banners. They bid for the right to a world or a part of it, then section it up among Colonists. Depending on the world and Banner, the colonist may bid for the grant, may get paid for taking it, may have to pay for it, may get a grant sum to cover costs, or may get nothing.

Many a Homesteader has wound up in a bad situation for not reading the fine print of their Grant.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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Jul 5, 2020 19:40

I'm getting flashbacks from Traveller character creation, and I love it :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
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