
Green Thumbs
"Let's go over it one more time," Mavis says. Whiskey, Toby, and Olive wait patiently as Mavis opens a small wooden drawer, the glass vials within ringing. She pulls one out, spraying the contents on them as if anointing them for battle. The smell is pleasant but strong, a mix of lemon and sage. "This will prevent hexes and curses." She sets the vial back. "There's no way we can really win the trial. I can get some charges dropped maybe, but it's the murder we're worried about. Olive? Have you prepared yet?"   Olive nods. "I have enough prep done to buy time. If we get cornered I've discussed getting help from…"   Mavis stops her. "No need to get our friend downstairs involved in our squabbles. A nuclear option is best left unused."   "But what if-"   "Toby will leave with us one way or the other." Mavis smiles at Toby, and nods.   "Where's Cory?" Whiskey asks. "It's not like him to be late when he's actually needed."   "He knows his role well enough. Now…" she pauses and pulls a vial of silver liquid from the drawer. "This is our best way out. If we run into trouble, gather around me."
Alchemists, apothecaries, brewers… all names for what is essentially the same thing nowadays. A chemist is one who uses magic in conjunction with physical components to create, enhance, or simply change the properties of a given substance. These substances are usually consumed or at least applied to the body.   Don't let the modern title fool you too much. While chemistry can help a chemist do what they do, they're practice is heavily outdated to modern medicine. Some would say obsolete. Chemists care more for old wives tales and home remedies than proper pharmaceutical research. Not because they disagree or aren't capable enough to produce the same results. It's just that home remedies tend to work better.   Chemists are patient, requiring far more thought than the average touched to achieve their goals. You're not just isolating particular chemical qualities of a substance, but also distilling its abstract qualities; its symbolism and emotional power.  


I mean, this one's easy. Chemistry as a science always had one foot in occult lore. Can you believe chemistry began with early alchemists who spent their nights secretly sipping mercury in their basement in search of eternal life. I digress. We can skip most of its history. Let's pick back up at the end of the world.   As magic appeared and members of the touched brushed up on their high school science classes, we learned magic can be contained in a medium whether it be gas, solid, or liquid. We then pushed further, and figured out how one can extract the magic that is already there. We can take concepts and ideas, the magic of identity and use that just as much as the ingredients themselves.   Like, You know the whole "eye of newt, toe of frog" thing regarding witches and their potions? It's like that. While these terms actually referred to mustard seeds and Buttercup, respectively, one could technically use these literal ingredients and actually achieve the same results because they represent mustard seeds and Buttercup. We can make potions last longer by extracting the preservative nature of lemons as well as just using lemons. With this… a new art was born.

The art of the brew

Magic is defensive and passive in nature. To achieve something more active and more immediate, we had to find loopholes. It just so happens that chemists are the best at this. So long as it hasn't spoiled, a chemist's creation can be as immediate or delayed as they want. It can even be a poison, though this is usually due to chemical properties and less the magical side of their craft.
Let's look at the many ways they use their skill, and some of their key brews in more depth.


Chemists make amazing cooks. They don't even have to be good at it, though most are. They can just harness the idea of a brilliant dish from well known ingredients and, boom. Your shitty stew now tastes like it poured from the hands of Gordon Ramsey himself.   They can also enhance these dishes with their gifts, able to evoke the very idea of whatever they want. It's not just a roast, it's a roast that's designed to make you think of your grandma. It's not just a ham and cheese sandwich, it's a sandwich of childhood summers long past.

Green Thumb

This gift implies an understanding of horticulture, which is actually quite important for chemists whether they cook or not. They cultivate fully stocked gardens, tending to each plant personally. The chemist is with each and every part of their concoction from beginning to end.   They grow all the herbs and spices; the fruits and veggies. They ferment the hops and the honey. They distill the grain spirits, check on the preserves daily, and some even sew the cloth wraps of each poultice personally.   Why? Gotta have ingredients. One can't make bricks without clay, as they say. No potion appears out of thin air and this personal touch can help reinforce the magical qualities of their end product, as well as cultivate new qualities.

Beer, Wine, and Spirits

Alcohol has long been used in matters of medicine, chemistry, and… well partynomics, mostly. This makes alcohol in its many forms valuable to not just the chemist, but to literally anyone they meet. It's a valuable bartering tool, especially if you can easily source the ingredients.   Mavis, for example, makes a lovely dragonberry mead when honey is available. In fact, she would say a proper hive would be a lovely addition to the shop. The mead is like liquid gold. Rarer still are her spirits. Stills can be dangerous, the process can be labor intensive, and to produce the best spirits it takes time.   That being said, occasionally a harvest will yield far more than expected and, of course, magic is a thing. Mavis can speed up the aging process with enchanted barrels, altering the conditions needed and more with the help of myself and the other members of Dread Romantic.  

Perfume and oils

Stills aren't just for booze. Mavis and whiskey both use Stills to create essential oils and extracts which are used to produce numerous things from perfumes , soaps, candles, lotions, etc.   The stock is always rotating at Dread Romantic, but you can always rest assured these luxuries are often available and always in a dizzying array of scents. Imagine a perfume that not only helps keep away pests, but keeps you from getting too hot. How about a soap that cleans, and also instantly restores some youth and vigor to your old and rugged skin.   I can't help but think of all those ads for similar products before the fall. Yeah. Thus stuff actually does what it says it does.


Bandages are hard to come by now. As a response, Mavis created a poultice that can heal abrasions, burns, and lacerations… the most common forms of injury and also common ways to get infections.   The poultice is a simple cloth with this blue jelly Mavis makes. I think there's aloe vera, some turmeric… idk. It smells weird but it works wonders. Most of our medical stock has to be made on the spot though. You have to diagnose it before you treat it and each treatment has to be made for that specific ailment. It doesn't last long. It's tedious, but profitable.  


So let's address a pretty serious issue that the apocalypse poses… meds. I'm not just talking about medicine here. Sure a chemist can produce a wide variety of things that have medical value, but I'm talking psych meds.   Most touched are neurodivergent to begin with and many had meds they NEEDED. As time went on, these got harder and harder to find. A chemist can fix this with ease.   I call it Fukitol. It saves lives… literally. This single item is our most popular and likely most crucial product at dread Romantic. Anyone can benefit from it, but those who haven't taken their meds in three years need it the most.


Huge shout out to Stormbril for his forbidden CSS wisdom! Would not have been able to do this without his advice. Backgrounds by Rawpixel and coolvector on Freepik

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Ooh, Let's Talk About Chemistry...


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Jul 31, 2023 11:46 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I think the meds thing is the thing that scares me the most about an apocalypse. I love its name - Fukitol. <3

Jul 31, 2023 14:03 by R. Dylon Elder

For real. The withdrawal alone... oof. Then not being able to stay level. Even worse. Thank you!!!

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