Summer Camp 2022
Copper Tier (Expanse)
1. Large expanse
2. Religion connected to natural phenomenon
3. Species in an unlikely place
4. A vehicle for long journeys
5. Settlement in or by an expanse
6. Material only harvestable from nature
7. Culture near an expanse
8. Food related to rite of passage
Silver Tier (Leadership)
9. Settlement that leads in something
10. Conflict resolved through leadership
11. Building related to leadership or change
12. Organization related to leadership or change
13. Profession associated with leaders
14. Title that commands respect
15. Great leader
16. Tradition which confers honor
Gold Tier (Discovery)
17. A lost settlement
18. An astonishing natural wonder
19. A recently discovered species
20. A lost artifact of significance
21. A lost technology
22. A lost monument
23. An explorer motivated by discovery
24. A document associated with discovery
Diamond Tier (Monstrous)
25. A species considered monstrous
26. A myth about a "monster"
27. A tradition which keeps monsters away
28. A condition considered monstrous or "unlucky"
29. A cruel or monstrous organization
30. A person considered villainous or monstrous
31. A hideous or monstrous artifact
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Nice layout! Much success to you during summer camp and with writing your novels!
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I second the cool layout!!!
Oh, thanks to both of you! Best of luck in your Summer Camp endeavours, too :)