Soma's Wagon Building / Landmark in Creation | World Anvil

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Soma's Wagon

At a Glance

A few thin wisps of smoke slither gently into the gray, overcast sky. Tents of dull fabric seem to breathe in the bitterly cold wind. The denizens of the city of tents keep their tattered cloaks pulled tightly around them to maintain what little warmth they can on their commute. In the Tent City, life is incredibly difficult. Many choose to live the lives of outlaws and thieves to get by whilst others choose to help those that suffer the same fate. 
  "Don't think anything of it, love. I'm merely doin' my part ta' make sure that everyone 'ere is 'appy an' 'ealthy."
Soma, Tent City Healer
Many a person gathers around what appears to be a small home with a green-painted roof. Upon closer inspection, the small home is actually a wagon missing its wheels. The wagon, despite its lack of mobility, is in excellent condition. The wood seems as though it was recently varnished, giving it a lovely orange-brown contrast to the pine-green roof. A square window with a wooden lattice has a box filled with herbs of many varieties. The entirety of the wagon sits atop a few crates and a staircase of smaller boxes and crates leads up to the door, made of wood and reinforced with iron banding. Outside the wagon is a sizeable firepit with a spit hanging above it. A few pots hang just above the flame and metal utensils hand from the end of the metal rod. A halfling fellow sits atop the crates leading to the front door. He wears a simple tunic and trousers with several pouches and tools tied over his belt. "Ello there," he greets with a smile, "what can I do ye for t'day?" 

First Impressions

"Fancy this, lads, I was standin' on me lonesome in a field then. All I 'ad was a rain-soaked tunic and a mace made from a broken pike. Those gnolls were fierce, they were. I'd reckon there weren't much I could do to keep 'em from razin' me village back in the Plains of Rhoth other than just runnin' out there and yawpin' like a madman. So, that I did. I weren't much of a fighter. Sure, I took a few of 'em down, but I couldn't handle a bloody warband by meself. Those blasted t'ings laughed and cackled at me like children—they'd figured that I was a goner but I weren't, no. I outran those dumb bastards and led 'em far from me home. Just enough time to evacuate. I'm not braggin', no, I'm just proud of meself fer findin' the courage to protect others in spite of me own safety. Take that to heart, folks, that's all I ask"
—Soma, Tent City Healer
Soma has a thick, charming accent and loves to spin tails. He has short, curly, auburn hair and a grin that's practically contagious. As a halfling, he stands just a few inches under four feet tall. Soma is widely known throughout the Tent City as a healer and, perhaps, the only reliable one. The halfing seldom charges those that aren't of able means and simply asks them to perform tasks for him in exchange for his medicinal services. Sona doesn't often allow people inside of his wagon but makes exceptions for those that are critically wounded or incredibly sick. Inside are a couple of beds that take up most of the wagon alongside his hammock that hangs from the ceiling. All of his tools and belongings are kept within.  


Soma is a healer that helps those that are unable to afford the services of temples or doctors. Instead, he offers a variety of herbal remedies and medicine that his people have used for centuries. With a keen eye and sharp wit, Soma can easily tell if someone can or cannot afford his services. Instead, he either volunteers his aid for free or asks for small favors. This has made him one of the most revered people within the tent city and, of course, the most hated by doctors within the Ptolus as many have sworn by Soma's methods. In addition to his medical services, he often sells food and elixirs made from his family recipes to make an extra coin.   While he isn't particularly keen on helping those that commit crimes, he does offer his wagon as a place to lay low for a sizable fee. Not a soul suspects any wrongdoing on his part, so it is easily one of the safest parts of the Tent City. Soma, however, has been known to refuse people that are in over their heads for doing something truly despicable whilst taking pity upon thieves and pickpockets that are simply doing what they can to survive.   

Who's Who


"He is a skilled herbalist from the Plains of Rhoth. Once a stalwart defender of his home, he swore that he'd come to the "place that he saw in his visions" to aid the people of the Ptolus. To prove his point, he had the wheels removed from his wagon so that it would remain where it was in the middle of the Tent City. I know not his reasons, but I applaud his charity and pure soul"
—Erlin Margrave, Resident of the Tent City
Soma was once a warrior native to the Plains of Rhoth. After surviving the Gnoll Wars, he felt great guilt weigh heavily upon his consciousness. In the grief of losing his friends, family, and home, he discovered the divine word of Engelan, the God of Present. He claims that Engelan gave him visions of his new purpose within the City of Ptolus within the warrens. With this inspiration, he focused his life on doing right by those he could save. Bearing the Reflective Raindrop symbol of Engelan on each of his palms, he spends his days tending to the sick and wounded.
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This article was written by Graylion with creative content from Sols & Duun. To see more writing and world building by Sols & Duun, visit Vos.

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