Tradition: Psionic in CHASE SRD | World Anvil

Tradition: Psionic

The Psionic Tradition

  The tradition that has much to do with Psychic ⚙️ effects, Psionics are a tradition that stem from using the mind to enact power. This involves telekinesis, mind control, or even glamer usage to hide oneelf.   Psionics have some overlapping with Divination and Illusion   In classic School of Magic terms, Psionics were both their own thing free pf magic schools, or were effects relegated to the Charm or Enchantment school.  

Ability List

0th Psionic Spells


0th Psionic Maneuvers

0th Psionic Hybrid abilities


1st Rank Psionic Spells

1st Psionic Maneuvers

1st Psionic Hybrid abilities

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