Spell: Sleepcloud in CHASE SRD | World Anvil

Spell: Sleepcloud

Arcane | Occult | Psionic | Psychic ⚙️





  • Tradition; Ability Rank: Psionic; 0
  • Availability: u.Spell List: Arcane, Occult
  • Complexity: Complex
  • Cost: 0
  • -
  • Use Time : 2 actions / ◈◈
  • Components: Verbal, Somatic
  • Display: None
  • -
  • Range: 60 ft, 10 ft radius (center), 20 ft radius
  • Target: All Creatures within a 20 ft radius of a point you choose within range. Creatures in the 10 ft radius make a saving throw
  • Duration: 1 minute
  • Saving Throw: Will

Ability Description

  From a fixed point, you magically summon cloud that induces sleep on the unsuspecting. This spell has two areas, a wider radius and an inner radius.   This spell's wider radius affects a number of creatures you choose automatically, though this spell uses a Health Pool that equals 8d8 ↗⤴. Each time a creature is affected by this spell, deduct their current regular Hit Points from the Pool. Creatures affected this way automatically fall Unconcious for the spell's duration. You choose if they start falling or fall Prone.   In the inner radius, creatures must make a Will Save vs your Casting DC. Creatures who fail succeed, but not critically succeed, on their DC become drowsy, gaining the Off-Guard condition. Creatures who fail are affected by the spell regardless of their hit point total (it is not deducted from the pool) for the spell's duration.. Creatures who critically fail are affected by the spell as before, but the spell's duration increases to 1 hour.   All creatures put to sleep by this spell may repeat, or make, a save at the start and end of their turns if they are not Deafened. Creatures are automatically awoken if they take damage, or if another entity within 5 ft spends 1 action to wake them. You can move the 10 ft inner radius to anywhere in the wider radius. Undead and creatures immune to being charmed or Psychic ⚙️ affects aren’t affected by this spell.  

Augmentation + other notes

↗/Augmented by Level: This spell's Health Pool increases by 2d8 times Half-Proficiency.
⤴/Augment Up: When you use this abilityl using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, roll an additional 2d8 for each slot level above 1st.

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