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Terry's Lake

"The sweet smell of fresh water always fills yoru nostrils on the shore. Fishing is easy around here, seem like they just come from anywhere, and everywhere. I've seen bout every kind, but seem like some new fish is recorded every week or so... Everyone loves to speculate what realms they've swam through to end up here... and on our dinner plate."

Anonomous Halfling Fisherman.


Terris Burg's lake was one of the results to Erin's Wish.

The lake originally was a tiny canal about two feet wide and seven feet deep.

The first settlers used a local spring to fill it, but the water was brackish and undrinkable, like most things pulled from the ground.

After Erin's wish, the water became an infinite source, enough to quench the thirst of "Terry" The Tarrasque who visits on a regular basis.

No one understands the full exent of the lake, as it's bottom has not been found yet, and the ongoing mystery of what the source of the almost boundless and innumerable various fish that are lurking in the depths.

Historical Basis

The myth of Erin's Wish is often described to newcomers to explain the various impossibilities that are atributed to it.

How fast the crops grow, the fact that no one ages past ther prime, and that there is an unlimited bottomless lake of clean water that will sustain almost any population size.

Erin atributes her love of fantasy books as inspiration for a magical lake.

She was unaware how the spell wish fully worked, and guessed with her intentions. It's unknown what lasting effectgs this will have to the world at large.


The Displaced who had lived here before the founding of Terris Burg know the state of the realm before the wish.

Even when the Councel tries to change the story, many of the people who were there will be quick to point out that Erin's use of the forbiddin item saved the entire city should give her a special pardon, and position in the goverment; liason.

What the city councel fails to tell people is that they still exiled the Outcast.

And Erin.

But, since she's the one who saved the realm, and secured our place in this world, The Terris Burg City Council granted her a special pass to stay and work as a liaison to the Outcast.

It's now her duty to ensure relations are mantained if she wished to keep her place in the city.

Variations & Mutation

During drunken retellings from the old timers, They often say that Erin fought off guards, did a backflip, snapped a counelmember's neck, and then saved the day.

Usually followed up by a "Propper retellin'" of sorts.

Cultural Reception

The lake is the source of all life on the island, (speculated). it's clear that the waters feed the soil all the way to the Valley of Terror. Expiditions have shown the water has indeed reached the wastelands, but the lack of vegitation is due to the eating habits of "Terry" The Tarrasque.

It's often celebrated and "Good Luck" to wave to "Terry" The Tarrasque if you see him drinking at the lake while you're on wall guard duty.

After 300 years or more of co-exisitng, we now have a barrier that we can learn to live together...

The message behind the mirical of Erin's Wish is that no one should have to suffer. The means of survival is here, and available to everyone who needs it.

This message is often preached by Erin and the more compassionate citizens. The fact that there is enough to satisfy a Tarraque and wild game in the woods, should be proof enough that the chance to co-exist is possible.

In Literature

Most of what's known of the events surrounding the creation of Terry's Lake are from first hand accounts recorded once the Library of Mena'tu was founded, and some Elves took an interest to the history and lore of the city's creation.

Official copies are availabe by request in the archives, simply request the year for the records, and it will be found in four to six weeks.

In Art

There is a drink sold at the Bearfoot Inn and Piefectory called the Terry Quencher.

For the right price the bartender will bring out an enchanted cup that will never run out of what ever drink is poured into it.

It will get you banned if you buy this for someone else, and try to persude them into a drinking contest... without them knowing what's in the cup.

also... it's not smart to do this even if both players know what it is.

In fact... don't think about this, and forget I even said anything about this.
Date of First Recording
The lake was created at 0 AT.
Date of Setting
Before Terris Burg's creation.
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